Trumpet Hour

Trumpet Hour

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

Joel Hilliker hosts Trumpet writers as they discuss this week’s most important news items. Not only do they discuss the news, the Trumpet staff explains where these events are taking us and how they impact us on an individual level. This week, Joel Hilliker explores the following news items:Greece’s economy is on the brink. The country owes $1.7 billion by the end of the month—and over 10 billion by September! Some say Europe is ready to cut Greece loose, but find out why that won’t happen.Pope Francis released a statement that says the world is going crazy—and he knows how to fix it! We’ll talk about the problem with Pope Francis’s solution.The U.S. is negotiating with Iran over nuclear power—but what is Iran doing? New report says it is flooding Afghanistan with weapons and other support to empower the Taliban.The Chinese hack on the U.S. is much worse than originally reported. The Chinese have a massive amount of data on basically everyone who’s ever had security clearance in the U.S.—14 million people! Is this our modern-day pearl harbor attack?