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German Military Expert: Europe Needs Nuclear Weapons

Europe needs to upgrade its military with nuclear weapons as Russia unsettles the West with its war against Ukraine, Bild reported on January 1, citing German military expert Carlo Masala.

The report came after Russia fired 158 missiles and drones at cities and towns across Ukraine on Dec. 29, 2023, killing at least 39 people in the largest air attack since the start of the war.

Uncertain future: Masala, a political scientist at the Bundeswehr University in Munich, warned that Europe is unprepared for the situation it could find itself in when Donald Trump returns.

Trump would probably say to the European nato states: You have to spend a lot more money now, otherwise we will withdraw your protection. And we are no longer talking about 2 percent of the respective economic output, but rather significantly more.
—Carlo Masala

Go nuclear: If Europe can no longer rely on America, it should upgrade its armies to ensure the security of the Continent. Masala’s solution: “We need a European nuclear umbrella.”

France is currently the only European nation with its own nuclear weapons. Masala said Europe should explore “the extent to which France has an interest in having its national nuclear force also paid for with other money.” Germany could pay for France’s nuclear weapons program, he suggested, and in return, France would defend neighboring European states.

Nuclear Armageddon: The global push to develop more nuclear weapons is concerning. In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ warned that mankind would become capable of completely annihilating itself, to the point that “no flesh should be saved alive” if God didn’t intervene (verse 22; Moffatt translation).

Many nations have weapons of mass destruction—including nuclear bombs. … How many Christian leaders do you hear even discuss Matthew 24? It is the most important prophetic message Christ gave when He was on this Earth!
–Gerald Flurry, Trumpet editor in chief, Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’

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