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Iran Quietly Infiltrates Europe’s Underbelly

Elvis Barukcic/AFP/Getty Images

Iran Quietly Infiltrates Europe’s Underbelly

The Islamist push against Europe continues.

Iran employs an unusually large number of employees at its embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, as part of its effort to radicalize the majority-Muslim European nation and to extend its reach “closer and closer into the heart of Europe.”

On May 3, radio talk show host John Batchelor interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Hoenlein said Iran staffs its Sarajevo embassy with over 400 employees, sharply exceeding the usual number for a facility of its kind.

For Iran, Bosnia-Herzegovina is becoming “a jumping-off ground,” Hoenline said. He explained that radical Islamist elements in Sarajevo are also establishing shadowy facilities beyond the embassy: “A house goes up for sale for $125,000, [Islamist groups] buy it for $500,000, build a wall around it, and that’s the last the governments know what’s going on inside. They see only cars coming in and out ….”

Bosnia-Herzegovina is a prime location for a hub of Islamist radicalization for three main reasons: Muslims represent the largest demographic group in its population; geographically, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a unique crossroads between Islamic North Africa and Europe; above all, the nation has no viable controls against Islamism.

Through this Bosnian hub, Hoenlein said, Islamists are “moving up closer and closer into the heart of Europe.” After hearing Hoenlein’s assessment, Batchelor agreed that Sarajevo has become “a jumping-off place, a radicalization place, a crossroads, something like Berlin during the Cold War.”

But Bosnia-Herzegovina is not the only location Iran is targeting. Tehran is also establishing radicalization spots “in several places now because Iran is reaching into the Baltics, the Balkans, the Central Asian region, just as they are in South America,” Hoenlein said. Iran’s purpose in investing so much in Bosnia and these other areas is to fulfill “the Messianic vision of the return of the Imam and the dominance of the Persian Empire … the resurrection of the Persian Empire,” he added.

Over 2,500 years ago, the Prophet Daniel predicted modern-day Islam’s confrontational behavior toward predominantly-Christian Europe: “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south [Iran-led radical Islam] push at [the king of the north, or Europe]” (Daniel 11:40). Iran’s effort to transform a European capital city into a hub of radicalization reveals that this Islamist “push” against the European Union is already well underway. And such efforts will quickly intensify. But the prophecy continues, explaining that the push will not end well for Iran and radical Islam.

To understand the outcome of this looming confrontation, and how it will affect your life, read The King of the South.

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