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Merkel Demands More ‘Union’ in the European Union

John Macdougall/AFP/Getty Images

Merkel Demands More ‘Union’ in the European Union

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is already planning for a single European superstate with more power.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe needs to forge a political union and give up more power to the EU, on German tv channel ard on June 7.

Reuters pointed out earlier in the week that last year, these kind of ideas “seemed fanciful, a distant dream that would take years or even decades to realize if it ever came to be.” Now the most powerful country in Europe is pushing for them.

“We do not just need a currency union but also a so-called fiscal union—more common budget policy,” she said, saying she will use a European summit in Brussels on June 28-29 to push other EU leaders to accept these ideas.

“That means in the future we will also have to hand over competencies to Europe step by step and give Europe opportunities to control,” she said.

Handing more power to Europe is a common theme for Merkel right now. “We need more Europe, not less, especially in the eurozone,” she said on June 4. “This means that EU institutions, the EU Commission included, should be granted more possibilities to control. Otherwise it would be impossible for a currency union to work.”

Last Thursday, she also said that a smaller group of nations could go it alone: “We should not stay still because one or other does not yet want to join in.”

Reuters reported that Merkel is readying plans for a central euro area finance ministry, as well as a coordinated European labor policy, social security system and taxation system, citing anonymous German officials. She also wants to radically strengthen the European Commission, European Parliament and European Court of Justice.

“Until states agree to these steps and the unprecedented loss of sovereignty they involve, the officials say Berlin will refuse to consider other initiatives like joint eurozone bonds or a ‘banking union’ with cross-border deposit guarantee,” says Reuters.

However, Chancellor Merkel warned this would not happen all at once. “I don’t believe that there will be one single summit that will decide the big throw,” she said.

Of course, events could push Merkel to move forward much faster than she is planning. Eurogroup head Jean-Claude Juncker thinks Europe favors a bolder approach. Juncker said he regrets “the impression that we have hesitated at each stage.”

“We must impress the world with a record-breaking long-jump,” he said.

As the Trumpet has said all along, the euro crisis will force EU nations to surrender great chunks of sovereignty to Germany in return for cash. Merkel has made her demands. Just as with the European Stability Mechanism, Germany will work out the details so that giving up power to Europe means giving it up to Germany. Now we just need to wait for Europe to get desperate enough to give in.

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