Jordan—Will It Turn Radical?

About 1,000 protesters took to the streets in Jordan on Friday. Organized by the Muslim Brotherhood, protesters ranted anti-government slogans and called for Jordan’s constitution to be changed. While the protest was relatively small and non-violent, it showed that Jordan’s monarchy is still under pressure.

The 2011 Arab Spring ignited a series of revolts throughout the Middle East. The governments of countries like Egypt and Tunisia quickly gave into protester demands. Other countries like Libya and Syria descended into armed conflicts. Jordan, however, experienced neither of these upheavals.

Why has the relatively weak nation of Jordan nimbly avoided most of the radical protests and revolts that have broken out across the Middle East? The government in Amman is more open and less authoritarian than Egypt’s or Tunisia’s. It also has significant ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.

As such, is Jordan about to be the next nation to fall to radical Islam?

The Trumpet says no. Why? Although it might appear that Iran and radical Islam could easily force Jordan into their camp, Bible prophecy states that they will not. The same prophecy that says Egypt will ally with Iran also states that Jordan will not.

The Trumpet has forecast this for years. For more on the history and prophecy of Jordan, read “The Last Peacemaker” and our free booklet Jordan and God’s Church in Prophecy.