London Terror Attack Reveals Britain’s Weakness

British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday that the brutal murder of a soldier on the streets of London the day previous would bring the UK together and make Britons stronger.

Cameron made his statements outside Downing Street after chairing a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee. The meeting focused on the potential security implications of the attack. The soldier was murdered in broad daylight just a few blocks from the Royal Artillery Barracks in the Woolwich neighborhood.

On Wednesday, police responded to a call about the attack. When they arrived, two Muslims holding bloodied meat cleavers and kitchen knives were waiting for them. Bystanders recorded one of the men shouting, “We swear by almighty Allah that we will never stop fighting you.” The suspects were arrested and remain under armed guard in separate London hospitals.

Cameron said Britons would stand strong and resolute against “violent extremism and terror.”

[SOUNDBITE: British Prime Minister David Cameron:]

“This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act. Britain works with our international partners to make the world safe from terrorism. Terrorism that has taken more Muslim lives than any other religion. It is an utter perversion of the truth to pretend anything different. That is why there is absolutely no justification for these acts. And the fault for them lies solely and purely with the sickening individuals who carried out this appalling attack. But one of the best ways of defeating terrorism is to go about our normal lives. And that is what we shall all do. Thank you.”

Unfortunately, going about their normal lives didn’t prevent Thursday’s attack.

In 2009, quoted a young British Muslim who explained that terrorism was growing in Britain because of the “toxic combination of politically correct policy, denial and fear.” On Wednesday, some of that hate exploded on a London street. Yet leaders in Britain refuse to deal with the problem.

To understand the cause of Britain’s weakness and where it is leading, read “UK: Giving in to Islamic Extremism” and “The Sickness in Britain’s Heart.”