Germany Is Not Greece

And Europe is not dying.

In the midst of a power vacuum left in a post-American world, Bible prophecy says a German-led European Union will fill the void. God says the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will be an unstable and volatile mixture of iron and clay (see Daniel 2:41-43). In looking at Europe today, you certainly see a clay-like group of weak nations, struggling through economic hardship. But in Germany today, there is definitely iron-like strength!

Here are the articles referenced on today’s program:

American Thinker: ‘The Iran Deal and the Future of the Middle East’

Trumpet Magazine, January 2014: ‘What Happens Next?’

German Foreign Policy: Domination over Europe

Reuters: Guttenberg’s rise in German politics

NY Times: Guttenberg op-ed

Gareth Fraser: ‘Germany Threatens Europe’s Economy’

Richard Palmer: ‘Who Will Stop the Greece Fires?’

Robert Morley: ‘Europe in Crisis: World in Danger?’

Charles Krauthammer: ‘An outbreak of lawlessness’