Deadly Diplomacy: Handing Our Power to Iran


Deadly Diplomacy: Handing Our Power to Iran

How America gave up its bargaining position at the Geneva negotiations

Iran was desperate. Economic sanctions had brought the nation to its knees. The nuclear program was puttering to a stop, and public unrest was growing. The regime spat out its usual anti-Israel spiel, but the nation was suffering: Oil exports had fallen 75 percent in two years and inflation was at 40 percent.

The Iranian regime risked economic collapse if it did not bow to the demands of the international community and dismantle its nuclear program.

America, however, rather than bring this process to a successful conclusion—which would have simply required it to do nothing—undertook nuclear negotiations in Geneva. For the West, this was a horrible surrender of power in a situation where it clearly had the upper hand.

While some might have hailed the P5+1 talks as a positive step, the truth was that these negotiations were exactly what Tehran needed. When the meetings began on Oct. 16, 2013, Iran witnessed a phenomenal reversal of fortunes.

From the get-go, the U.S. was more desperate for a deal than Iran was. Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin said that the Obama administration wanted a six-month interim deal so it could effectively “kick the can down the road” on a decision for military action against Iran, or be willing to live with a nuclear-armed Iran.

Regardless of the reasoning, Iran sensed Washington’s urgency and capitalized on it. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif negotiated a “get all, give nothing” deal: Iran would have its sanctions relieved without having to worry about closing down its reactors, getting rid of its uranium, stopping work on its plutonium facility or any other reversals of its nuclear aspirations.

The pressure Iran was under has been relieved, and the Iranians are free to settle back into their nuclear activities. But the damage doesn’t end there. The deal has given the Iranians power over America. It is hard to fathom how a country that was so recently on its knees is now dictating what the U.S. government does.

This disastrous course of action is made clearer when you look at what has been happening in Congress. President Obama is pleading with Congress to hold off on passing any new sanctions. He is afraid that Tehran will make good on its threat to walk out of all talks if more sanctions are prepared. These sanctions haven’t even been put in place yet, and Iran is already dictating.

This is a sign of just how much power the Iranian regime has gained. By dragging the mullahs to the negotiating table, the U.S. has given them the power to walk away. Had they come of their own necessity, there wouldn’t be this fear.

Another sign of this empowerment of Iran came when the U.S. made its latest move to blacklist companies supporting the Iranian regime. These companies work to get around sanctions, helping to relieve the nation of some pressures brought on by the sanctions.

But Iran called this “a very wrong move,” and briefly walked away from negotiations, sparking panic in Washington. To America’s relief, Iran came back. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said, “We are committed to the plan of action and the implementation of Geneva—but we believe it takes two to tango.”

In the tango Zarif is referring to, however, Iran expects to avoid making any meaningful changes.

The weak leadership in America can be traced back to prophecies in Isaiah 3:1-5. But there are other dangerous prophecies at play in America that can’t be ignored. Why is America fighting so hard to help Iran get back to its feet? Why is the president so forceful in building a relationship with a nation that hates us so vehemently?

Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald asks:

Can you see that what happened in Geneva, and the way the deal preserves the radical Islamist regime in Tehranwhich is consistent with other actions of the Obama administration—is the product of a sinister force operating within America’s government? Bible prophecy, as Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has been explaining, says the White House has been kidnapped! If you haven’t read it already, you need to read America Under Attack. This book explains the ultimate origin of the deadly spirit of self-destruction that grips America’s government and permeates domestic politics and policy.

This spirit is driving the decision making in Washington. Gerald Flurry wrote in America Under Attack, “We are seeing the aftereffects of a calculated, aggressive, satanic attack aimed at weakening and ultimately destroying the nations of Israel, starting with the world’s most powerful nation!”

Where else can this attack be so quickly and painfully felt than at the negotiations with Iran? Because of disastrous diplomacy, Iran has turned the tables on America and is well on its way to procuring nuclear arms. This can only have a horrific outcome.