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Iran’s Looming Presence in the Middle East

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Iran’s Looming Presence in the Middle East

Iran’s sphere of influence is expanding across the Middle East, and we cannot afford to ignore it.

As the U.S. prepares for the next round of Syria negotiations to be held on January 22, there is talk of Iran being invited to participate. The U.S. allowing Iran to participate in Syrian peace talks speaks volumes on Iran’s growing influence over the Middle East. Iranian influence permeates the region and is linked directly to the prophecies in the Bible.

Speaking from Israel on January 5, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry raised the question: “Now could [Iran] contribute from the sidelines? Are there ways for them, conceivably, to weigh in? … It may be that there are ways that could happen.” While Kerry hasn’t asked the Iranians to be a major player in the negotiations, he clearly entertains the idea of Iran being a part of the process.

The Geneva 2 talks are centered on the formation of a transitional government that would bring the current Syrian administration and rebels together to end the war. As part of the transition, Syrian President Bashar Assad would likely be forced to step down. This is where Iran gets perturbed. The Iranians were not a part of the Geneva 1 talks because they refused to agree that the transitional government should have “full executive authority” and that it must be chosen by Assad’s government as well as the opposition forces. Iran said that it will not participate in the second round, despite subtle hints of encouragement from John Kerry.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham have both expressed Iran’s desires to be at the meeting, but only if there are no preconditions. And why wouldn’t Iran want to be there? Iran is the second largest arms supplier to Assad—second only to Russia. Iran also funds multiple terrorist organizations that impact the civil war directly, such as Hezbollah, which is based in Southern Lebanon. Iran has a lot invested in Syria and the Levant.

Whether Iran ends up participating or not, based on Kerry’s comments, the U.S. is starting to realize that Iran exerts a large amount of influence over Syria, and cannot be ignored.

Iran is a big supporter of Assad and his Shiite government. With Assad in power, Iran has influence from Tehran to the Mediterranean. Syria helps it keep geographic contact with Lebanon, home to one of Iran’s most powerful terrorist proxies, Hezbollah. If Syria was removed from Iran’s influence, Lebanon would be cut off as well. Iran is fighting tooth and nail to keep Assad in power and maintain Shiite dominance over the predominantly Sunni population in Syria.

Now that Assad is preparing to negotiate, Iran must look for new ways to ensure its best interests and regional ambitions are met at the negotiating table, as well as on the battlefield. Iran will undoubtedly be looking for ways to influence the upcoming Geneva 2 talks.

The fact that Iran is playing a larger role in regional politics shows that it now has more control than ever before. This rise in power and influence over the Middle East is not happening by mere chance. The rise of Iran is actually prophesied in your Bible!

Daniel 11:40 speaks of a “king of the south” in our day that will rise to power in the Middle East. The Trumpet has warned of how Iran is set to lead this radical Islamic power for years. In 1996, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote the booklet The King of the South. This booklet reveals Iran to be the head of the radical Islamic bloc of nations that will make up this king.

However, Iran won’t be the only power in the region; another power is mentioned in Daniel 11:40. This power is known as the king of the north. In a whirlwind, this king will defeat the king of the south. Herbert W. Armstrong warned of this rising king for decades, and wrote extensively on its identity and role in end-time prophesies. Mr. Armstrong exposed the identity of the king of the north as a German-led Europe. The Trumpet continues to proclaim that warning today. Mr. Flurry reemphasized Mr. Armstrong’s teachings in the booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire—the whirlwind strategy the king of the north employs is thoroughly explained in his article “The Whirlwind Prophecy.”

These booklets and article will give you a deep appreciation of where we are in prophecy, and where events in the Middle East are headed. As Gerald Flurry writes in The King of the South: “The blatantly bold and aggressive foreign policy of Iran must lead to war. It will either conquer or be conquered. Bible prophecy makes it clear that Iran will be conquered.”

The rise of Iran is set to spark major conflict in the Middle East that will spark the fuse of World War iii! These earth-rending prophecies are explained in the aforementioned literature. Iran’s moderate cloak shouldn’t deceive those who know Bible prophecy. Iran is rising, and the immediate consequences are about to shock the world.

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