School Shootings Increase Rapidly in 2014
According to cnn, there have been 15 school shootings akin to the December 2012 Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Conn., as of mid-June. That’s nine shootings in 2013 and six incidents in just the first half of 2014 involving a gunman entering school premises and firing at people. Fourteen people were shot to death during these incidents, and two of these shootings ended with the gunman killing himself. These numbers mean that, statistically, there has been a school shooting every five weeks since Sandy Hook.
Here are the incidents of the first half of 2014:
What should we make of this rapid increase in violence? Undoubtedly, some politicians will use this as additional evidence to push through gun control laws. President Obama recently said that it’s time for America to do some serious “soul searching” over gun regulations. But what is the real cause of this senseless violence that is creeping down into middle schools? (It’s no longer just older teens; 12-year-olds are committing these crimes too.)
Back in 1999, the Trumpet warned about this deadly trend. “Over 30 years ago, the United States was sucked into a destructive, costly and unpopular war,” Stephen Flurry wrote. “I am not referring to Vietnam. I’m talking about the cultural revolution. It was waged by an American minority—mostly young people. The fundamental premise of their revolt was simply rebellion—rebellion against traditional standards, against high morals, against virtually any form of authority—especially parents.”
As Stephen Flurry highlighted, our society is now living the results of that cultural revolution—the breakdown of families, dysfunctional homes, and thus dysfunctional children.
Read our article “Why Kids Kill” to learn how to protect your children.