Turkish PM: Israel Worse Than Hitler

The Jewish nation: More barbaric than Syria, ISIS, Russia—and even the Nazis?

Right now, thousands of people are suffering from violence all over the world: civil war in Africa, drug war in Latin America, Islamist terrorism around the globe. Ten thousand children have died in Syria, isis and other killings have claimed thousands more in Iraq, and 298 innocent people just perished in Ukraine after a civilian airliner was shot down—not to mention the hundreds who have died recently in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

Yet, amid all of these shocking atrocities, the strongest, most virulent condemnations by far are being reserved for the Jewish state of Israel. People—including Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan—have compared Israel not to current controversial leaders like Bashar Assad or Vladimir Putin—but to Adolf Hitler!

Over the weekend, thousands of people protested against Israel on the streets of London, Brussels, Dublin and Paris. This happened despite the ban on protests in France that was put in place after the July 13 riots, in which thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched in Paris, chanting “Death to the Jews!” and “Hitler was right!”

The tide of anti-Semitism that flooded the planet during the 1930s is rising again. If we understand history and prophecy, we can know that this surge of hate and violence will soon engulf the Jews and the Jewish state.