Revelation Series—Part 6: The Flame of Thyatira
Today we continue our look into the fascinating book of Revelation. We’ve noted before that many people—even many Christians—are confused by this book. Some preachers go so far as to say that you shouldn’t really study it, because it can’t be understood.
In one way, that’s true—you can’t understand this book and its prophecies and its symbolism, unless you read it with an open mind, and unless God leads you with His Holy Spirit. Without that kind of real, active faith, Revelation is confusing; one man’s interpretation is as good as the next.
But in this series, we simply read what the Bible says and allow the Bible to interpret the Bible. The keys that God gives us within the Bible unlock the meaning of this fascinating and very relevant book.
In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, seven churches are listed: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. The fiery, brilliant, overwhelming God of Revelation 1 thundered a message to each of these churches. He didn’t record these churches as just a historical curiosity. He recorded them because they were symbols of the seven eras of God’s Church—as they occurred throughout history, up to and including God’s Church today.
In today’s program, we continue this intriguing study of the seven church eras with the fourth era: Thyatira.