What the True Gospel Is Really About

The message that got Jesus Christ killed

Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on KPCG.fm.

Jesus Christ came to this earth 2,000 years ago with a message from God. And He was killed for bringing it! What was that message? Many believe the message was about Himself! “Just believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved,” they say. But is that what the true gospel is really about?

Listen to any of the “gospel” programs out there—and there are a lot of them—and they all tell you to just accept Christ! And they talk about getting that gospel—a message about Christ—out to the world. But preaching Christ and belief on Him is not the same as preaching Christ’s gospel! Jesus Christ the person—as important as He is—is not the true gospel!

The word “gospel” means good news! Jesus Christ was a messenger who brought good news to this Earth. He brought a message from God the Father for all of mankind. On this episode of the Trumpet Daily we examine the gospel message Jesus Christ delivered while here on Earth.