What Does System Change Mean?
Some of the most vociferous “climate change” activists call themselves “ecosocialists.” To save the world from climate change, they say we must revolutionize the global economic order. Here are their demands:
Public ownership and government control of production, starting with the energy and financial industries. A democratically planned economy based upon social need and ecological sustainability. Full indigenous sovereignty and complete recognition of the right to self-determination. Governments must honor and fulfill all treaty obligations that entitle native peoples to land, water, food, hunting rights, fishing rights, health care, housing, etc. Full reparations to indigenous peoples for historical injustices. Cut the military (ranging from a 50 percent cut to actually cutting the entire military). Full employment, transitioning millions from military and fossil-fuel related jobs to union jobs creating a renewable energy infrastructure. Community-based small businesses, worker co-ops, small farmers and government jobs become the norm. Banning of fracking and tar sands extraction and an immediate transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. One hundred percent clean renewable energy by 2030. Wealthy nations pay for poor nations to adopt clean energy. Ecologically sustainable agriculture and fishing, and the production of healthy foods. Source reduction of waste and toxic products. Full development of public transportation, a national rail system and bicycle-friendly infrastructure. Ban new airports, new pipelines and new motorways. Protection of biodiversity, including species and genetic diversity. Environmental justice: Removal of waste sites, incinerators, polluting industries, generators, transportation hubs and highways from oppressed communities. Access to clean drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities, green spaces and fresh, nutritionally dense foods at low cost. Protection and empowerment of communities most vulnerable to climate catastrophes. High taxation of the corporations most responsible for the economic and environmental crises. End Third World debt. End student debt. Free housing. Reduced work hours without loss of salary. Control human population numbers.(These demands are taken directly from the websites of various environmental organizations, including System Change Not Climate Change, The Global Climate Convergence, Popular Resistance, Climate and Capitalism, and the Sierra Club.)