Lessons From Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ Speech

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Lessons From Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ Speech

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on December 31.

Immediately following World War ii, Britons voted Winston Churchill out of office. Churchill then entered what he called one of his “black dog” periods. He was depressed because he saw the massive threat to the Western world by the rise of Soviet Russia—but he couldn’t help his nation from the sidelines. Churchill was encouraged in 1946 when United States President Harry Truman invited him to the U.S. for an important speaking engagement. His speech, titled “The Sinews of Peace,” is famously known today as Chuchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech. On today’s show, Trumpet writer Brent Nagtegaal discusses the background to this speech and the lessons it provides us today.

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