Iran Promises to Pay Palestinian ‘Martyrs’

Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency/Ria Novosti via Getty Images

Iran Promises to Pay Palestinian ‘Martyrs’

Money well spent?

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mohammad Fathali, has issued a statement outlining Iran’s wish to support the families of Palestinian “martyrs.”

Fathali stated, “Continuing Iran’s support for the oppressed Palestinian people, Iran announces the provision of financial aid to families of Palestinian martyrs who were killed in the ‘Jerusalem intifada.’”

Iran will pay $7,000 to the families of the “martyrs” and $30,000 for every terrorist home demolished in Israel. Iran plans to pay the aid through the Palestinian branch of the Shahid Institution, which has funded Palestinian “martyr” families for over two decades.

In the last five months, 150 Palestinians have been killed in Israel. The sharp rise in knife attacks by Palestinian terrorists have primarily targeted the Israel Defense Forces (idf) and civilians. The attackers have killed at least 30 Israelis, and many more have been injured. The victims have ranged from 2-year-old infants to idf soldiers.

If Iran intends to honor the murderers to the tune of $7,000 per family, that will cost it at least $1 million.

In Israel, it is policy to destroy a terrorist’s home. The controversial policy was intended to dissuade terrorism by making life hard for those they leave behind.

Since 2015, Israel has destroyed 77 structures, many of which were homes. If Iran were to pay $30,000 for each one, that would be $2.3 million.

The two payments combined is nearly $3.4 million. That’s a lot of cash toward funding terrorism.

The United States acknowledged that when Iran received its $150 billion, some of the money would be used for terrorist activity. In a cnn interview, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice stated, “[W]e should expect that some portion of that money would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region up until now.”

She was 100 percent correct. The martyrs we have discussed are terrorists! Iran is not spending the money on some charity to enhance the lives of Palestinians. It is investing in the next intifada!

Israel demolishes homes to dissuade terrorists; Iran promises to pay the damages in order to fuel more stabbings, shootings and rammings across the nation.

Iran’s pledge could have major repercussions this year. Israel already suffers from almost daily attacks. The news that Iran will fund terrorism will only embolden potential terrorists to carry out attacks, believing their families will be well looked after.

Funding Palestinian terrorism is just the tip of the iceberg for Iran. After all, $3.4 million is a small sum to pay when you have $150 billion. Watch as Iran continues to openly and boldly fund the destabilization of the region on its quest to regional supremacy.