Is This Progress?

Why modern advances in technology aren’t solving the world’s problems

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio.

We live in a world that is far advanced in science, technology and higher education. It’s a magical, push-button world of awesome progress. And yet, paradoxically, it’s a world full of appalling evils—family breakdown, abject poverty, illiteracy and disease, violence, war and terror.

How could a world this sophisticated and advanced accommodate so much suffering and degeneracy? How do you explain this astonishing paradox—a world with human minds that produce the marvels of our push-button age, and yet cannot solve the most basic human problems in family life and group

relationships, or peace between nations?

Many thought modern science and technology would be a sort of “messiah” that would deliver the world from its problems. These advancements have allowed mankind to do incredible things, and yet, there is a massive amount of evil distributed through that same technology.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we explain why the world continues to degenerate despite man’s so-called “progress.”