Man’s Incomplete Mind

Why is mankind incapable of solving the world’s evils?

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The human mind is capable of so many awesome achievements—far above anything the animal brain can do. Yet, despite the superiority of the human mind over animal brain, the human mind is still woefully incomplete.

The astonishing paradox of our day is how the human mind has produced such awesome material progress and yet remains utterly helpless in the face of appalling evils.

Why can’t man find the answers?

There is a tremendous void in the spirit of man because God made us to need another spirit—the Spirit of God. Without this spiritual component, man cannot be truly and continually happy. But with this spiritual component, man can truly experience life as God meant for it to be lived—a life of abundance and joy! With God’s Spirit man can come to have the knowledge and understanding required to solve this world’s problems.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we discuss the awesome power of God’s Holy Spirit and why God created human beings to need that power.