The Flame of Fire

The book of Revelation contains a profound spiritual radiance!

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The Greek word for Revelation is apocalypse. For most people, that word conjures up pictures of terrifying calamities. But the word apocalypse actually means to uncover or disclose—it means to enlighten or to give light.

And yet, look at the world today! Spiritually speaking, this world is covered in thick darkness! It’s because mankind has rejected God’s light. Jesus said in John 3:19 “that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light ….” But this doesn’t stop God’s faithful elect from bringing light and joy into this miserably dark world.

On this program, we look into the opening chapter of the apocalypse—the book of Revelation. And as you will see on this episode, there is a profound spiritual radiance in the book of Revelation!