The Seventh and Final Era of God’s Church—Happening Now

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The history of God’s true Church was recorded in advance in the book of Revelation—chapters 2 and 3. It is an epic story that has unfolded across millennia, beginning 2,000 years ago with Jesus Christ Himself. It began with awesome miracles and dramatic growth. It suffered hard persecution. It was counterfeited. It wandered in a spiritual wilderness. It held fast. It fell away. It cherished God’s truth. It missed golden opportunities. It languished. But it survived.

And in the 20th century, God suddenly took His Church and supercharged it with power! He restored one Bible doctrine after another. God’s true Church proclaimed the plain truth of the Bible across the United States and around the world! That was the sixth era of God’s Church, as described in Revelation 3—the Philadelphia era.

But today we are living in the seventh and final era of God’s Church—Laodicea. And this era is characterized by spiritual blindness and lukewarmness. This prophesied Church history is unfolding right now. It is happening around you. It may even be happening to you. On today’s program, we’ll examine this final era of God’s Church—the era that precedes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this Earth!