United States of Europe: Revealed at Last!

A new book trumpets a reality that our work has been warning about for over six decades.

There has been a revolution in Europe—of which America has remained largely silent and unaware. The revolution is outlined in T.R. Reid’s new book, The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy (Penguin Books, 2004).

This book confirms what the Trumpet has been saying since its inception—and what Herbert W. Armstrong, since the 1950s, warned about until his death in 1986. With a new pope in power and the coming ratification of the European Constitution, Americans and the world would do well to note the alarming trends in world affairs outlined in this work.

Reid says, “[A] geopolitical revolution of historic force is under way across the Atlantic: the unification of Europe. This new ‘United States of Europe’ … has more people, more trade, more wealth, and more votes on every international body than does the United States of America. And the European Union is determined to be a superpower whether America likes it or not.” His book not only shows the historic development of this entity, but reports on the current reality.

In his prologue, “Sleeping Through the Revolution,” Reid writes, “Twenty-five nations have joined together—with another dozen or so on the waiting list—to build a common economy, government and culture. Europe is a more integrated place today than at any time since the Roman Empire.”

Reid charts the progress of a united Europe born in the rubble of world war throughout its progress from a trade entity to “a new kind of state in which the member states have handed over much of their sovereignty to a transcontinental government in a community that is becoming legally, commercially and culturally borderless. … The New Europe has all the symbolic apparatus of a unified political entity.”

Americans have largely ignored this historic transformation, Reid says. “For decades the American foreign-policy establishment, both Democratic and Republican, didn’t seem to notice—or, perhaps, didn’t want to notice—the emergence of a new kind of political entity on the European continent.” It certainly hasn’t recognized it as being any kind of threat.

But Reid proves the naivety of this perspective. Reid writes, “The New Europe cannot match American military strength (and doesn’t want to, for that matter).” At least not at this time! “But it has more votes in every international organization than the United States, and it gives away far more money in development aid. The result is global, economic and political clout that makes the European Union exactly what its leaders want it to be: a second superpower that can stand on equal footing with the United States” (emphasis mine).

Look at the history of a united Europe! Every time Western Europe has united, it has been under the banner of church and state—that of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire. That is exactly the type of tyranny America’s Founding Fathers fought and died to avoid.

The world is being rocked by a political earthquake, and Americans don’t care. In a Gallup poll last June, 77 percent of Americans admitted they know “very little” about what is happening in Europe. Events on the Continent are towering in significance—and all the more so because America is ignoring them. Europe is uniting at lightning speed! True—it faces earthshaking challenges ahead and may appear unsteady. But we urge our readers to recognize the revolutionary nature of its direction and momentum and to grasp the reality of the future world it is working to create. Europe is destined to change life as we know it.

The Trumpet has warned for years of a final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. The European Union is that empire in the making! This book shows that it has now arrived!

Please read our booklets Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and The Rising Beast for further understanding of this growing power in Europe.