The Search for Truth

Why do people believe the things they do?

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you believe the things you do? How did you come up with the opinions, beliefs and convictions that you have? And why are they so different from others around you? We can’t all be right when we all disagree.

This modern, sophisticated world is filled with information, yet many people firmly believe things that are not true! Most people take for granted, without any question, what they have been brought up to believe. Others cling to what they have been told to believe or what they desperately want to believe. People are divided into nearly every possible combination of ideas.

Where is the truth?

The world of religion is just as confusing. Why is there so much confusion when it comes to the plain truth of the Holy Bible? How can people derive so many different views and opinions from the same book?

The Bible is the inspired Word of the Creator of humankind. It says its answers are universal, constant and unchanging. That means they apply as much today as they did when they were recorded. In fact, the Bible specifically says that much of its content is especially for our generation!

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we explain why the Bible was written for our time today and how we can learn the plain truth contained in this book.