Why Peace in Israel Is Impossible

Lasting peace continues to elude the nation of Israel. No amount of peace talks, agreements and ceasefires has curbed the hostilities between the Jews and Arabs. Why is it that every effort toward peace in Israel ends in failure?

Referring specifically to Israeli-Palestinian peace, Shimon Perez, Israel’s deputy prime minister, recently declared, “There is a wind of peace in the Middle East and no one can stop it.”

Only one week before this proclamation, another violently anti-Semitic sermon by one of the leading Palestinian clerics was broadcast live on Palestinian television. Here’s a portion of Sheikh Ibrahim Mudairis’s message: “The Jews are the cancer spreading all over the world. … [T]he Jews are a virus like aids hitting humankind. … Jews are responsible for all wars and conflicts. … Do not ask what Germany did to the Jews but what the Jews did to Germany …” ( Jerusalem Post, May 16).

The sheikh’s words could not provide a starker contrast to those of Perez. As long as such fervent anti-Semitism is believed and preached, lasting peace cannot prevail between the Palestinians and Jews!

Vast ideological and religious differences divide Israelis and Palestinians. Decades of animosity have driven an irreconcilable wedge of hate between the two, and, until these differences are reconciled, peace will be impossible.

In the coming months and years, watch for the Palestinians to gain more political influence within Israel. As a result of the weakening state of Israeli politicians, Palestinian groups, in spite of the anti-Semitic views they may hold, will increasingly receive political recognition by Israel and other nations. This is already occurring.

“The British government is considering a Middle East policy switch that would mean direct and open contact for the first time with the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah …” (Sydney Morning Herald, May 21). The Hamas terrorist group is receiving increased political recognition from Palestinians. Now it appears that Israel’s most renowned anti-Jewish terrorist group is about to receive further political recognition from Britain.

Whether or not Britain recognizes Hamas as a legitimate political body in Israeli politics, it will only be a matter of time before other nations will do so. The political landscape of Israel is undergoing dramatic change: Yesterday’s terrorists are today’s politicians!

After years of hostility, the Israeli people are growing increasingly weary of war. Under pressure from other nations, the Jewish leadership is making greater concessions to the Palestinians. These decisions are leading to Israel’s demise.

Bible prophecy states that the nation of Israel, as well as the U.S. and Britain, will be conquered just before Jesus Christ returns, unless they repent (Hosea 5:5). The peace that has eluded Israel for so long is just beyond these horrific times. Conflicting religions and ideologies are about to be purged from this war-torn nation. For more on this subject, read our booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.