Iran’s President-Elect Incites Islamic Revolution

The Trumpet has long warned that Iran will become the pivotal country in a soon-coming axis of Islamic Middle Eastern nations. A recent declaration by Iran’s president-elect confirms Tehran’s rising influence over the Islamic world—and the urgency driving Tehran’s ambitions to unite the Middle East.

Clearly bolstered by his convincing June 24 election victory, Iran’s president-elect, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, highlighted Iran’s ambition to strengthen its leadership role within the Islamic world when he declared a worldwide Islamic revolution last week.

“Thanks to the blood of the martyrs,” he said, “a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 [the current Iranian year] will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world. … The era of oppression, hegemonic regimes, tyranny and injustice has reached its end” (Middle East Newsline, July 1).

How many other national leaders could get away with declaring such divisive and war-inducing words? Ahmadinejad’s provocative war cry to the Islamic peoples of the world was a bold move for any leader, especially for one elected only days before. Clearly unconcerned about repercussions from Western nations, these provocative statements were a call for the Islamic world to rally behind his nation in a “new Islamic revolution.”

“In the first such statement by an Iranian president in nearly 20 years, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his election would mark what he termed a new Islamic revolution. Ahmadinejad said such a revolution would spread throughout the world” (ibid.).

When Ahmadinejad settles into his presidency later on this year, watch for him to work in conjunction with the religious establishment in Iran to accelerate Tehran’s drive to become the “king” nation among the Islamic world.

Ahmadinejad has already pledged to throw his support behind Iran’s controversial nuclear program, sparking concern among world leaders that Iran’s ultraconservative leadership will be less willing to compromise on the nuclear issue. Iran’s nuclear program is simply another means by which the nation is establishing itself as the Middle Easts regional hegemon.

The growing power and influence of Islam and Islamic nations is proving to be a key issue in international politics. The Trumpet has written about Europe’s concern over Islam’s increasing influence in Europe.

As Islamic influence continues to rise on the global scene, the Trumpet expects Iran to continue to take measures to establish its leadership over this new force. Watch for Iran’s new president, in perfect alignment with the religious mullahs, to establish his nation as the lead nation among a united bloc of Islamic Middle Eastern nations.

Referring to a prophecy in the book of Daniel, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in 1996, “These verses point to a king of the south that is yet future. And I believe all indications point to radical Islam, headed by Iran as this king” (The King of the South). Read the booklet to see where this most crucial Islamic country fits within the prophetic context of end-time events.