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Access Denied: Iran Continues to Block Inspectors

Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei addresses the Iranian Army members.
Supreme Leader Press Office / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Access Denied: Iran Continues to Block Inspectors

Tehran continues to exploit the permissiveness of the jcpoa.

“The great Iranian nation, the United States and the world should know that if there is only one demand in the whole world which will be rejected and if there is only one wish that will be taken to the grave, it is the Americans’ demand to visit our military centers.” That was the resolute assertion of the lieutenant commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (irgc), Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami. In his Saturday interview with Iran’s semiofficial Fars news agency, Salami made it clear that Iranian military sites will remain under lock and key. This is yet another violation of the nuclear agreement that Iran and Western nations implemented on Jan. 16, 2016.

The United States administration of Barack Obama was extremely accommodating to Iran in making the deal in the first place, but as then President Obama signed the deal, he insisted, “This deal is not built on trust; it is built on verification.”

But Iran has been just as adamant in its demands after the deal as it was beforehand. And even with a new president in the White House, all that the U.S. seems willing to do is bemoan Iran’s decision and slap on a few more sanctions. With such a belligerent Iranian attitude and such a permissive U.S. approach, American inspectors are unlikely to ever step foot in an Iranian military installation.

However, the International Atomic Energy Agency (iaea) has something called the Additional Protocol. Once a nation signs on, it grants the iaea the power to visit any suspected nuclear site at any time of its choosing. As much as Iran hates the idea, according to the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Iran signed up.

Such an agreement should make it impossible for Iran to deny nuclear inspectors access to a suspected nuclear site. But Iran is equating “anytime, anywhere” to “not now, not ever.”

On August 10, U.S. President Donald Trump said of Iran, “I don’t think they’re living up to the spirit of the agreement.” He continued, “I think you’ll see some very strong things taking place if they don’t get themselves in compliance.”

But President Trump already has plenty of actionable evidence he could utilize to tighten restrictions on the rogue regime. Forget the violations of the “spirit of the deal,” what about the outright violations? What about the oversized heavy-water stockpile, or purchasing sanctioned materials? What about the other violations (that the Obama administration referred to as “inconsistencies”)?

The National Review noted (emphasis added):

Iran is operating a larger number of advanced nuclear centrifuges than is allowed under the deal, it has exceeded its heavy-water cap, and it continues to refuse iaea inspectors access to its nuclear-research and military facilities—where, in all likelihood, they would find other violations in spades.

It is convenient for Iran that military bases can double as nuclear facilities. It’s hard enough for inspectors to get onto nuclear sites, let alone military bases. So when the issue of inspections comes up, Salami and the commander of the irgc Aerospace Force, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, come out swinging. Hajizadeh responded to President Trump’s comments about blocking inspectors by stating, “The response is clear. We will not give them such a permission.”

Thus, places such as the military base in Parchin remain beyond America’s reach. Never mind the fact that when inspectors did inspect the site, they discovered what was believed to be equipment used for hydrodynamic testing—which is used to assess how materials react under high pressures, such as during a nuclear explosion.

Iran continues to deny international inspections, promising instead to conduct spot checks on themselves.

And as the Iranians repeatedly violate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (jcpoa), flaunt their disregard, and deny inspectors, America just goes along with it.

The Trumpet wrote about the U.S. certifying Iran’s compliance on the nuclear deal, stating:

Nuclear warfare is nothing to be permissive or lukewarm about. Our actions and ambivalence have made nuclear war inevitable. And Iran will only be the spark that ignites the inferno. This Iran nuclear deal—no matter the level of “compliance”—is leading to catastrophe.

Expect Iran to continue blocking attempts to inspect its violations of the jcpoa. Longtime readers of the Trumpet know that we have warned for years that Iran will be the catalyst for the next world war. By signing a deal with the Iranians and continuing to let them carry on their work at uninspected military sites, that moment is quickly drawing closer.

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