Europe Ousts Imams

A precursor to a greater clash of civilizations

Expect a coming war between Catholicism and Islam. Rhetoric emanating from both the Vatican and extremist Islamic groups has gotten hot in light of terrorist bombings of recent weeks (as reported last week).

Now, already, we see a Catholic-dominated Europe taking action against Islam.

It appears the July 7 London bombings were a wake-up call to some powerful politicians.

The Washington Times of August 4 described a campaign underway across Europe to expel radical Islamic clerics who incite extremism and condone terrorism. This is a crusade, if you will, “to root out extremist imams who help radicalize disenchanted Muslim youths and recruit them for violent causes.”

Last week in Italy, eight fundamentalist Palestinian preachers were expelled. France deported an Algerian imam who was arrested in what was “a preventative anti-terror operation.” Another Algerian was expelled from France for preaching inflammatory sermons, and at least eight more clerics are expected to follow. “We will not keep people on our territory who issue calls to hatred, to violence and to the disrespect of our democratic values,” French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy stated.

At the same time, more stringent legislation is being passed in European countries to make prosecution easier. Austria has passed a law allowing the deportation of Muslims who preach sermons that are “a danger to public security.” In the Netherlands, legislation has been proposed that would outlaw the praising of terrorism.

These moves in Europe to crack down on Muslims who preach hatred are just a precursor of an infinitely more aggressive campaign.

The Roman Catholic Church’s influence over Europe is prophesied to increase. As it does, we can expect to see the Catholic Continent’s attitude toward radical Islam become more hardened.

Be sure to see Gerald Flurry’s article “Are Two Great Religions About to Trigger Nuclear War?” in the coming September/October Trumpet to see where this confrontation will lead.