This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (March 4)


This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (March 4)

Europe’s military power, state-sanctioned land grab in South Africa, ‘doomsday’ preparations, and more

Here are five of the most important news stories this week, as well as relevant links to the full articles and videos here on

New NATO Headquarters to Fall Under German Command

Defense ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization approved the creation of two new command centers during their meeting on February 14 and 15. One, focused on maritime security, will be located in the United States. The other will focus on rapid-troop movement across Europe, especially toward the east, and will be located in Germany.

These are just the beginnings of Bible prophecies that warn of a rising European military that will oppose America. Based on prophecies such as those in Revelation 17, the late Herbert W. Armstrong foretold Europe’s military power grab.

Greece to Remain a European Colony Until 2060

The European Union is laying plans to rule Greece for decades to come.

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis outlined this reality in an article for Project Syndicate on Monday. Titled “How Europe’s Band-Aid Ensures Greece’s Bondage,” the article said, “Until 75 percent of Greece’s public debt is repaid—in 2060, at the earliest—the country, we are told, will be subject to ‘enhanced surveillance’ (a term with unfortunate echoes of ‘enhanced interrogation’). In practice, this means 42 years of quarterly reviews, during which the European Commission and the [European Central Bank] ecb ‘in collaboration with the [International Monetary Fund] imf’ may impose new ‘measures’ on Greece (such as austerity, fire sales of public property, and restrictions on organized labor). In short, the next two generations of Greeks will grow up with the troika and its ‘process’ (perhaps under a different name) as a permanent fixture of life.”

South African President Pledges to Take Land From White Farmers

South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has said that he will accelerate his government’s plans to start confiscating white-owned land without compensation. Ramaphosa’s announcement followed a 241-to-83 parliamentary vote on a motion to amend the nation’s constitution to allow land seizures on February 27.

The motion was introduced by the Economic Freedom Fighters, a radical Marxist party. Its leader, Julius Malema, is on the record for saying, “We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now. … White minorities be warned. We will take our land. It doesn’t matter how. It’s coming, unavoidable. The land will be taken by whatever means necessary.”

Billionaires Prepping for End of World

The Guardian reported recently that several tech billionaires, venture capitalists and other business elites are seeking refuge in the remote South Pacific island nation of New Zealand, among other “safe” locations. They seemingly realize that the planet is heading toward a global catastrophe and are therefore preparing for “doomsday.”

Just what exactly is “doomsday”? What does the Bible say about end-time tribulation? More importantly, what is the Bible’s formula for guaranteed survival?

Munich Security Conference Shows the Need for a ‘Strong Hand From Someplace’

The general consensus of experts at the February 2018 Munich Security Conference was that the world is about to explode, and something must be done to stop it. But at the end of the three-day conference, these foremost international relations experts from around the world found themselves with lots of problems—and no solutions.

Mankind has once again proved incapable of solving its problems. Thankfully, those problems are prophesied to be solved by something beyond mankind itself!

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