This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (March 25)


This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (March 25)

Six more years of Putin’s totalitarianism, terror in Texas, and more

Here are five of the most important news stories this week, as well as relevant links to the full articles and videos here on

What Will Putin Do With Six More Years of Power?

In Russia’s March 18 elections, incumbent President Vladimir Putin secured 77 percent of the vote, crushing all his rivals. Putin now has six more years at the helm of the world’s largest country and second-most powerful military. And the 144 million people of the nation largely support his ongoing dominance of Russia.

Exactly what Putin will do with yet another mandate as Russia’s strongman can be revealed by examining his past 18 years in power—and by studying Bible prophecy!

Russia Selling China Advanced Weaponry

Russian media reported earlier this month that Chinese contracts for advanced Russian military hardware such as Sukhoi-35 combat jets, S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft weapon systems and aircraft engines are valued at a staggering $7 billion.

“All these projects will continue,” said Russian officials.

Bible prophecy,” we wrote in a November article, “says that in the ‘time of the end,’ the Russia-China axis will lead an Asian military bloc that fields an army larger—by orders of magnitude—than any the world has ever seen.”

German Interior Minister: Christianity, Not Islam, Shapes Germany

Days after Germany’s government was sworn in, Horst Seehofer, the new interior, construction and homeland minister sparked a new dispute when he told Bild in an interview published on March 16 that “Islam does not belong to Germany.”

Other members of the newly formed government have criticized Seehofer’s remark, but many Germans agree with him. These sentiments echo dangerous periods in the history of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

Terror Strikes Texas

Terror struck Texas again when a parcel bomb exploded at a FedEx facility in the early hours of Tuesday. It was the fifth mysterious explosion to rattle Texas since the beginning of this month.

Law enforcement authorities linked the explosions to serial bomber Mark Anthony Conditt, a 23-year-old white male who had been terrorizing the city of Austin. He killed himself by detonating a bomb in his vehicle when a swat team closed in on him earlier on Wednesday.

But the terror he spread still lingers in Austin.

You need to know the verses in the Bible that specifically address the subject of “terror” to understand the significance of what has been happening in Texas.

Most Americans Believe ‘Deep State’ Secretly Runs the Country

A supermajority of Americans believes a group of unelected government and military officials secretly runs the United States, according to a Monmouth University poll published on March 19.

“This is a worrisome finding,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute. “The strength of our government relies on public faith in protecting our freedoms ….” In this environment, where people lose faith in government institutions, many join radical groups like Antifa and the Democratic Socialists of America, which want to replace, rewrite or ignore the Constitution. Others buy guns and join militias in an attempt to defend the Constitution.

As these trends continue to unfold, tensions are building and the rule of law is breaking down.

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