This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (September 1)

This Week: Five Events You Need to Know (September 1)

‘Civil war’ in Germany, plans for peacekeepers in Israel, Vatican scandals, and more

Here are five of the most important news stories this week, as well as relevant links to the full articles and videos here on

‘Civil War’ on the Streets of Germany

Since August 26, anti-migrant groups in Chemnitz, Germany, have been protesting the fatal stabbing of a 35-year-old German citizen by suspected migrants from Syria and Iraq. They harassed anyone who looked like a migrant. “For every dead German, we’ll kill a foreigner,” they yelled. Spiegel Online said the police were “completely overrun at times.”

Social Democrat Burkhard Lischka described these groups as part of “a small right-wing mob in our country that will take every opportunity to enact its violent fantasies of civil war-like conditions on our streets.”

Germany’s migrant crisis is getting worse. In our 2016 article “Germany, Migrants and the Big Lie,” we wrote, “Common sense alone tells us an explosion is coming,” and “the Bible specifically warns us what will be the result: a radical change in German leadership.”

United Nations Suggests Deploying Peacekeepers to Israel

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres suggested recently that a peacekeeping force could be deployed to Israel to protect Palestinians. His report follows a June resolution by the UN General Assembly calling for “the safety, protection and well-being of the Palestinian civilian population under Israeli occupation, including … recommendations regarding an international protection mechanism.”

While the Palestinians would welcome an international force tasked with defending them, Israelis see international troops in the Holy Land as an attempt to legitimize the Palestinians’ claim to the land. Bible prophecy states that in the near future the State of Israel will eventually invite a foreign peacekeeping presence into Israel. That time is getting closer and closer.

South Africa Moves to Legalize Property Theft From Whites

South African government is about to help steal land en masse from white people, following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that South Africans, through their representatives in Parliament, “voted overwhelmingly in support of a motion to accelerate … land redistribution through expropriation of land without compensation.”

South Africa is literally institutionalizing anti-white racism with obvious and serious consequences.

China, El Salvador Establish Ties in Latest Blow to Taiwan

El Salvador cut ties with Taiwan on August 20 to establish a formal alliance with China, becoming the fifth nation in two years to switch its allegiance.

El Salvador’s decision came after it had unsuccessfully petitioned Taiwan for development funds to revive a deserted harbor. After Taiwan declined, saying the project was economically unsustainable due to scant maritime traffic, China stepped in and agreed to provide funding, as long as El Salvador would switch its allegiance from Taiwan to China.

This is just one of many ways Beijing is working to assimilate Taiwan into China, a development Bible prophecy strongly suggests.

What Is Behind the Catholic Church’s Sex-Abuse Epidemic?

Roman Catholic officials are acknowledging that the Catholic priesthood not only has a sexual abuse problem but also a homosexual abuse problem.

“It was clear after the studies following the 2002 sexual-abuse crisis that most of the acts of abuse were in fact homosexual acts committed with adolescent young men,” Cardinal Raymond Burke said in an August 16 interview with Catholic Action for Faith and Family. “Now it seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root.”

To learn more about where the Bible says the current crisis in the Vatican is leading, read “What Is Behind the Catholic Church’s Sex-Abuse Epidemic?” and “The ‘Nuclear’ Memo That Could Bring Down Pope Francis.”

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