The Kavanaugh Hearings Reveal America’s Lawless Spirit
If you are like most Americans, you have strong feelings about the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. The nation was transfixed by those hearings. Emotions ran hot as accusations of sexual misconduct turned the process into a heinous spectacle before the world!
It all unfolded in full public view. The nation’s attention became fixed on trivialities like high school yearbook entries and crass teenage slang. Many people became convinced that Kavanaugh was a sexual predator who had no business on the court. Others, looking at the same information, saw a Democratic Party willing to crawl in the gutter to prevent conservatives from gaining a Supreme Court majority. The Senate echoed with nasty denunciations. Public places filled with irate protesters. Angry citizens personally confronted public officials and screamed in their faces.
It was probably the ugliest, most embarrassing spectacle in modern American politics.
Many observers noted that the division and hatred in America reached a new low. But there is a little-understood but critical spiritual dimension to what emerged in those hearings. The danger to America is far deadlier than most people recognize!
A Lawless Spirit
I exposed this spiritual reality in a booklet I wrote in 2013 titled America Under Attack. I urge you to get a copy of this important booklet and study it. (We will gladly send you one at no charge.)
The first chapter, “The Hidden Cause of Society’s Deadly Decline,” describes an event that happened in 1986 that marked a turning point in America’s history. This change first became publicly apparent in 1987—in a blistering battle over the Supreme Court.
“On July 1, 1987, President Ronald Reagan nominated a highly respected judge, Robert Bork, to become an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court,” I wrote. “Within 45 minutes, Massachusetts Democrat Edward Kennedy took to the floor of the Senate and demonized him. ‘Robert Bork’s America,’ he said, would produce back-alley abortions, segregation, censorship and midnight police raids.

“It was a shocking, bald-faced vilification of a man who was obviously qualified and greatly respected, even by many liberals. ‘There was not a line in that speech that was accurate,’ Bork said. Many people agreed—but the attack still worked. Senator Kennedy and others led the way for abortionists, evolutionists, feminists, civil-rights advocates and other liberals to band together and defame Judge Bork’s reputation in an enormous smear campaign.”
That disgraceful smear campaign kept Robert Bork off the Supreme Court.
Shouldn’t we be deeply concerned that rank lies could be so effective? Many Americans simply do not value truth as they once did, and as they should! Those critics of Robert Bork who used lies to destroy that man should be hanging their heads in shame! But many people viewed “borking” him and having him replaced with a more liberal judge as a great political victory, worth any cost!
Why was Judge Bork attacked so ferociously? Because he believed in the authority of the Constitution as written. He rejected the liberal notion that the Constitution is an “evolving” or “living” document, which can be twisted to mean whatever we want. In the eyes of the liberal left, Bork’s respect for the rule of law made him a threat.
As I prove in America Under Attack, that lawless spirit, and the willingness to use deceit and lies to torpedo Judge Bork, was directly inspired by an evil spirit being—the most lawless, deceitful, amoral and destructive being in the universe!
Do you believe in the devil? The Bible has a lot to say about him. Believe it or not, the Bible also reveals that he is now working fiercely to destroy America. It shows why and how he is coming after America so aggressively, particularly in the last three decades.
The Bork defeat in 1987 exposed the devil at work. He uses defamation, smears and lies. He casts truth to the ground. He despises law. He uses any and every means, no matter how unprincipled, hypocritical and vile, to accomplish his aims.
“What happened to Robert Bork marked the beginning of a vicious attack on the law of the land,” America Under Attack says. “In the … decades since, we have seen a rapid breakdown of law and an increasing amount of poison spreading through America’s political system. … [Satan] is using individuals that he can to destroy law and government, so everything comes unglued and falls apart.”
Why would controlling the Supreme Court be so important to the devil? Just look what Robert Bork’s replacement, Justice Anthony Kennedy, did. He was the deciding vote on several landmark Supreme Court cases that thrust America into deeper immorality. In 1992, Planned Parenthood v. Casey confirmed a woman’s “right” to abortion. In 2003, Lawrence v. Texas made homosexuality legal across America. In 2015, Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex “marriage.” These were decisions that would not have been made law through Congress—the governing body that should be making law! In many cases, at least to this point, a majority of Americans have been against the liberal agenda. So liberals have used the courts, with approval from the highest court in America! This is how they have forced most of their agenda on the country. That is why they fight so aggressively for control of the courts, even if it means lying and slandering.
Now, 31 years have passed since the Bork debacle. Over that time, Satan’s evil influence has gotten progressively stronger. America has lurched much further down the path of lawlessness, poisoned politics, crippled government and bitter division.
The Kavanaugh confirmation process exposed just how much worse this trend has grown. There is a force in America that is crazed for power, and intolerant of and angered by dissent. There is a force that passionately hates biblical morality, and that considers abortion a right and a virtue rather than a tragedy. There is a force that values political power over truth, license over law. And in the Kavanaugh hearings, we got a good look at just how strong this force has become.
More importantly, that process gave us an astonishing look into the depths of Satan’s mind! In fact, many recent developments in America expose Satan.
Democrats in the Senate demonized Judge Bork in 1987 because he was a constitutionalist. In 1991, they falsely accused Judge Clarence Thomas of sexual assault for the same reason. Their smears against Brett Kavanaugh are more of the same.
Democrats opposed Kavanaugh and began vilifying him from the moment his name was announced. They tried and failed to fault his judicial record. Then they smeared him personally. Three weeks after President Donald Trump nominated him, a California Democrat named Christine Blasey Ford wrote a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at a high school party 36 years ago. Feinstein, rather than immediately informing the Senate Judiciary Committee and the fbi, waited until hearings with Kavanaugh ended. The day before the confirmation vote was to be held, she unveiled the accusations in a last-minute ambush.
Ford did not claim that Kavanaugh raped her, or even came close. Still, Democrats insisted that incident should disqualify Kavanaugh from ever serving on the Supreme Court. After a public prosecutor determined that Ford’s account was inconsistent, vague and uncorroborated by the people she said were at the party, Democrats looked for other accusers. They found three more women who accused him of sexual misconduct during high school and college, including absurd allegations of his being involved in gang rapes!

In decades of public service, this man’s moral character had never before been called into question. With zero proof that Kavanaugh was involved in any sexual assault, because of unsubstantiated accusations, Democrats demanded that his name be withdrawn. Senators and citizens insisted that everyone simply “Believe women!” They accepted everything his accusers said at face value and presumed his guilt—even though America’s entire justice system is based on presumption of innocence until proof of guilt. Democrats piled on Kavanaugh, universally treating Ford’s uncorroborated account as proof of a career-ending crime, and ripping this man apart! usa Today sports reporter Erik Brady wrote that Kavanaugh shouldn’t even coach basketball, let alone join the Supreme Court: “[C]redibly accused sex offenders should not coach youth basketball, girls or boys, without deeper investigation. Can’t we all agree on that?”
It was astounding to watch the left act like strict moralists, appalled by any whiff of indecency—when they have been dragging America’s morals into the gutter for generations! Their hypocrisy is so monstrous, shameless and bold, it is shocking!
America’s sexual standards are horrific—and sexual predators should be arrested and brought to justice. (And I don’t believe for a moment that Brett Kavanaugh is one of them.) But these politicians don’t really care about justice! They want to turn society upside-down. They want to empower women over men. They want to exalt feelings over truth. They want to make sure the Supreme Court doesn’t take away their right to abortion! They want to keep using that court, and every other means they can, to promote their lawless agenda!
When none of their sewer strategies succeeded in blocking Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the left grew even more malicious.
Look how they treated Susan Collins, a Republican senator from Maine. Last year the New York Times ranked her the most liberal Republican. Pro-abortion groups have commended her for supporting their cause. She was the first Republican senator to be reelected while publicly supporting same-sex “marriage.” The left hoped she would vote against Kavanaugh. But she decided to vote for him, and explained her decision in a logical, reasoned 43-minute speech before the Senate.
Immediately, the radical left turned fiercely against her. They condemned, threatened and harassed her. Twitter users said they wanted to punch her in the face. One tweet said, “Never let Collins have a moment of peace in public again.” Another said, “I hope someone kills you.” The Women’s March called her a “rape apologist.” People launched a boycott of Maine to convince Mainers to vote her out.

Radicals unleashed this vile, violent vitriol and hatred against a host of targets. One writer for a popular network comedy program tweeted during the final confirmation vote, “Whatever happens, I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life.” That is a sick attitude that Satan can really use. When Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin announced he would vote for Kavanaugh, protesters met him outside his office, shouting, “Shame! Shame! Shame!” Leftists publicly posted names, addresses and phone numbers of senators and their family members so people could harass them. One was Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner, whose wife was texted a graphic video of a beheading. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was confronted and chased out of a Washington, D.C., restaurant by bullies shouting, “We believe survivors!”
This is pure bullying and intimidation! The truth is trampled to the ground, steamrolled by hatred and rage. This is a calamity! We are witnessing a complete breakdown of law and order in this land. It is a terrible example to this world.
Look at the absolute hatred! I’ve never seen anything quite like it. The radical left is sick. They do not accept criticism, and they are not sound-minded.
The power behind them is very dangerous! What they are doing has the devil’s fingerprints all over it! Satan is “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2). He loves to stir up nasty, unbridled emotion.
Americans need to wake up! Satan is at work—dividing the country, turning us against each other, hollowing away the strength of our republic! Bible prophecy shows this is leading to nation-destroying violence!
It seems the radical left has virtually taken over the entire Democratic Party today, with few exceptions. And they are pushing for conflict! They are cheering the groundswell of discontent and resistance. Even the mainstream press will not denounce such gross behavior. They eagerly publicize it. They won’t call a rowdy, angry mob what it is—they consider it lawful, democratic protest. Politicians are encouraging provocative, divisive conduct. They view it as justifiable cries for justice, and proof of the president’s unpopularity and illegitimacy. They are playing to these mobs and stirring them up!
At a rally in Georgia in October, former Attorney General Eric Holder said, “It is time for us as Democrats to be as tough as they [Republicans] are ….” He referred to former first lady Michelle Obama saying, “When they go low, we go high.” “No, no. When they go low, we kick ‘em,” he said to roars and applause. “That’s what this new Democratic Party is about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re going to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party …” (emphasis mine throughout).

Hillary Clinton defended this viciousness in an interview with cnn. “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” she said. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”
What a revealing statement! She says that until the left is back in power, there should be no civility in America! The left should protest, agitate, accuse, confront, scream, fight, kick—whatever it takes to reclaim power!
This woman almost became America’s president! What would have happened if she had? The radical left doesn’t control some of the biggest levers of power right now, yet it is still successfully sabotaging many aspects of American life, morally, culturally, intellectually, educationally and politically! It is astounding!
Look what the previous president did during his administration. Imagine how much faster they would be reshaping and destroying this nation if they still held the White House, and if they controlled Congress and the Supreme Court!
Exposing Satan
Hillary Clinton says the left will start being civil when Democrats take control of Congress. That is a lie.
Sadly, civility in America is on an unstoppable decline. That is because Satan has gained a choke hold on this nation that can only be released through national repentance and obedience to God!
God is trying to bring America to repentance. He is allowing curses to intensify in order to chasten and correct us: curses in weather, climatic and geological disasters, plagues in agriculture, crises in leadership, economic troubles, military setbacks, racial and social divisions.
As I wrote in my May-June 2018 cover story, “Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily,” God has also stepped in to strip power away from the radicals—enough to slow America’s fall and to give us a little more time. (Please read this important article here.) God is allowing and orchestrating circumstances to help us see our sin—so we will repent of it!
Just as there is a spiritual power behind this destructive force in America today, there is a spiritual reason that this force is being so dramatically exposed right now. It is because God wants it exposed, and He is exposing it.
Since Donald Trump became president, the depth of lawlessness and corruption permeating America’s leadership, aided by America’s media, is being uncovered. As I wrote in that article, “This is corruption on a deep level—so deep that most people won’t even believe it!” If Hillary Clinton had won the last election, “none of this corruption would have come to light!” But God wants it exposed! He is saving America temporarily—and one reason is to expose this evil.
“We are getting a hard look at just what the radical left is willing to do in order to seize power and stay in power,” I wrote. “They have no respect for the rule of law! They believe they are above the law. It is no exaggeration to say that such contempt for the nation’s founding principles is a threat to the republic!”
President Trump made a very perceptive remark in an interview with the Hill, published September 18. Talking about the corruption in the fbi that has come to light, he said, “I hope to be able to put this up as one of my crowning achievements, that I was able to, through the help of a lot of good people … expose something that is truly a cancer in our country.”
God wanted that cancer exposed. We all need to think seriously about why—and the responsibility that puts on us individually!
Fulfilling Prophecy
God is far more involved in the affairs of the nations than most people realize. That is because He loves humanity, and He has a long-term plan for how to reach all of humanity.
The devil has deceived “the whole world” (Revelation 12:9)—and is extremely active in his deceit and hatred and violence today, “because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (verse 12). His rule on Earth is almost over! And God has a master plan in motion to save deceived humanity from ourselves, because He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
God is seeing to it that world events fulfill prophecies He recorded in the Bible millennia ago. He has recorded many prophecies of America’s decline and fall—terrifying prophecies! You need to prove this to yourself, and you can do so by reading The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong (free upon request). When you see the way that Satan’s influence is growing right now, and how the devil is getting Americans to attack the foundations of this nation and tear society apart, it becomes far easier to see how vulnerable we are, and how close we are to seeing those prophecies fulfilled.
God is watching over and guiding events in America. If He were not, this nation would already be destroyed! That is how serious and precarious America’s situation is!
That May-June article shows the parallels between what President Trump is doing and the reign of King Jeroboam ii in ancient Israel, just before Israel was conquered. This history is recorded in 2 Kings, which is part of the “former prophets”—and it is prophetic.
Anciently, though Jeroboam was unrighteous, God did use him to save the nation temporarily (2 Kings 14:23-27). “God granted mercy when Israel really didn’t deserve it,” I wrote in that article. “Rather than sending Israel into captivity at that time, God used this king to save Israel and give them one more age of prosperity before Assyrian conquest.”
This is what is happening right now in America. God is saving Israel temporarily. If the 2016 election had gone the other way, I am convinced the nation would already be finished! And in this latest battle, if Republicans had not confirmed Kavanaugh, to me that would have indicated that we had already seen the last vestige of resistance to the left extinguished. Surely it would have meant an ideological tie on the Supreme Court—four justices on one side and four on the other—for years to come, which means the lower court decisions stand. That plays into the left’s hands, at least until they can put more activist judges on the court. That was their plan. But God upset their plan.
Look at the lunacy of the left, and you can see why God had to save Israel! But again—it is only temporary. We cannot allow this temporary resurgence to make us feel comfortable. Far more serious correction is coming.
Republicans rejoiced that Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. But anyone who thinks the war is won is naive. In many ways, Satan won by losing—his grip on the left got tighter! And victory against the devil is always only temporary. He is relentless. After a loss, he regroups for his next assault. He may lose a battle, but he never quits the war.
You cannot understand what is happening in America today, and where these events are leading, without the spiritual understanding that God has made available through my booklets America Under Attack and Great Again, along with that article “Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily” (all freely available at These are bright searchlights exposing what is happening in the shadows of this country. And they also point to a marvelous hope!
God wants us to recognize Satan’s involvement and activity—so we can see the real danger, understand where it is leading the nation, and individually seek God’s protection against it.
Think about God going to such lengths to help us, to save us, and to teach us! Even the bad news becomes stirring when you view it with this perspective. God is allowing these events to help us see our own sins, to turn to Him and to come to know Him! Ultimately, when His plan is complete, God will save America—not just physically but also spiritually—not temporarily, but for eternity.