About Gerald Flurry

About Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry is the presenter of the the Key of David television program and the editor in chief of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. He is the founder and pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College and chairman of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation.
Mr. Flurry formerly served under Herbert W. Armstrong as a minister in the Worldwide Church of God, pastoring congregations in Oklahoma City and Enid, Oklahoma. When Mr. Armstrong died in January 1986, Mr. Flurry held fast to the teachings and doctrines he taught. In 1989, Mr. Flurry wrote Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today. This seminal work explained how wcg leadership was rejecting the doctrines of the Bible and systematically dismantling the legacy of Herbert Armstrong. Malachi’s Message was written to alert the wcg ministry and membership to these changes. When an early draft of the book was presented to wcg leadership, Mr. Flurry and his assistant, John Amos, were fired and excommunicated from the church. Mr. Flurry immediately founded the Philadelphia Church of God.

Since January 1990, Mr. Flurry has preached the wonderful news that Jesus Christ will intervene to save mankind in this generation, and has delivered a warning message to mankind about the terrible events that will precede Christ’s Second Coming. This is primarily done through his television program The Key of David, which began airing in 1993. Initially airing on eight stations, today The Key of David airs worldwide on more than 200 stations and reaches a potential over-the-air audience of 400 million viewers. Mr. Flurry uses his 30-minute program to explain world events in the light of Bible prophecy. Some of his most popular programs include “Mystery of the Ages,” “Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?” and “Russia and China in Prophecy.”
Mr. Flurry also shares his important message through the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. As editor in chief, he oversees the direction of the magazine and writes many of its articles. Like his television program, his articles cover a wide variety of topics, all analyzed through the lens of Bible prophecy. You can find Gerald Flurry’s broadcasts and articles here.
Mr. Flurry’s commission to preach the gospel and warn the world has taken him to over 20 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Israel, South Africa, the Philippines, China and Australia. He has written over 60 books and booklets, all of which are given away freely as an educational service.

Central to that educational service are the major works of Herbert W. Armstrong, which Gerald Flurry decided to publish for the public. Following this decision, the wcg sued the pcg in an effort to prevent the books and booklets being circulated to the public. In January 2003, after a six-year court battle, the case was settled. That settlement gave the pcg copyrights and freedom to reprint Mr. Armstrong’s most important book, Mystery of the Ages, plus 18 other works. At the time, Gerald Flurry called it “the greatest victory we have ever won in the pcg.”
In 2001, Gerald Flurry followed the example of Mr. Armstrong and founded Herbert W. Armstrong College, a small liberal arts college with campuses in Edmond, Oklahoma, and Edstone, England. Privately supported by the Philadelphia Church of God, the college offers courses in theology, liberal arts and applied arts and sciences. Like Ambassador College, the objective of the college is to teach students how to live abundant, successful lives, and to supply trained personnel to support the work of the pcg.

When Herbert Armstrong’s successors ended the famed Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, Gerald Flurry decided to start the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation (formally named the Philadelphia Foundation). The foundation is the humanitarian arm of the pcg. Presently, it sponsors archaeological work in Israel, and a world-class concert series in Armstrong Auditorium at the headquarters campus in Edmond. Alongside hosting world-renowned musical performers, this building has also functioned as a museum of Israeli archaeological artifacts on loan. The auditorium is also used as a community hub from which national ambassadors, including for Israel, have spoken.
Gerald Ray Flurry was born April 12, 1935, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to parents Clarence (deceased 1977) and Jicie (deceased 1997). He married Barbara Brewer on Nov. 15, 1964 (deceased 2004). He married Vicki Sue Barreiro (nee Gamble) on November 16, 2020. Mr. Flurry lives in Edmond, Oklahoma. He has two children (Laura and Stephen), six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Stephen and his wife live near Mr. Flurry in Edmond. His daughter and his son-in-law live in Edstone, England.