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Russia and China Could Crush U.S.

Russian military vehicles take part in the Vostok 2018 military exercises held by the Russia and China in Transbaikal Territory, Russia, on Sept. 13, 2018.
Russian Presidential Press and Information Office / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Russia and China Could Crush U.S.

Recent war game simulations reveal that the U.S. would be defeated ‘in one scenario after another’ in a war with Russia and China.

A recent rand analysis shows that the United States would be crushed by Russia and China in a war. rand made this discovery during its annual “Red on Blue” war game simulation.

This exercise trains the U.S. military in formulating strategies and responding to modeled enemy threats. In these games, red represents an allied Russia and China, and blue represents the United States.

rand analyst David Ochmanek said that in conventional war, the U.S. would suffer “heavy losses in one scenario after another and still can’t stop Russia or China,” despite the fact that the U.S. spends $700 billion a year on superweapons such as stealth aircraft and carriers.

These powerful weapons are typically grouped en masse at a land base or on an aircraft carrier, and are therefore extremely vulnerable to being wiped out in large numbers by precision-guided long-range missiles. As former Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work said, the F-35 may rule the sky, but it “gets killed on the ground in large numbers.” This is how the U.S. could quickly lose a large number of its military equipment to the “reds.”

Russia’s and China’s “smart” weapons pose an increasing threat to U.S. infrastructure, such as runways, fuel tanks and ships. These could easily be wiped out by a simple missile strike. They are more vulnerable because many U.S. bases have no defense against cruise missiles, drones and helicopters due to the removal of a large number of mobile anti-aircraft units.

The solution? rand says that the U.S. would need to invest $24 billion every year for five years to prepare the U.S. for “high-tech war with Russia and China.” Short-term, this would mean buying missiles and air defense batteries. Long-term, this requires investment in lasers, railguns and high-powered missile defense systems.

Perhaps the biggest concern discovered in these rand war games is America’s vulnerability to what the Chinese call “system destruction warfare.” The Chinese have been known to “attack the American battle network at all levels, relentlessly, and they practice it all the time,” Work said. This means that the enemy shuts down U.S. networks so completely that the command post is left with nothing but blank screens and radio static.

What happens when the command structure loses everything? In a war game simulation, the exercise is ended because nobody can figure out how to keep fighting. This is a chilling reality. In a moment, the U.S. could lose its entire command structure, and chaos would ensue.

“It turns out U.S. superweapons have a little too much Achilles in their heels,” said Breaking Defense reporter Sydney Freedberg Jr.

Russia and China’s ability to crush the U.S. in war, along with this reference to America’s Achilles’ heel, are strikingly reminiscent of the decades-long prophecies of the Trumpet.

Soon after World War ii, Herbert W. Armstrong, editor in chief of the Plain Truth, predecessor of the Trumpet, said that America had won its last war!

Again, this time in 1961, he said, “Unless or until the United States as a whole repents and returns to what has become a hollow slogan on its dollars: ‘In God we trust,’ the United States of America has won its last war! … It means, Mr. and Mrs. United States, that the handwriting is on your wall!”

In February 1978, after the U.S. was defeated in Vietnam, Mr. Armstrong again warned, “America’s influence and prestige is on the rapid decline. The pride of our power has been broken. The time is fast approaching when the United States will be so weak and so fearful of its own shadow that, as the Prophet Ezekiel predicted, the trumpet will sound the call to battle, but none shall answer (Ezekiel 7:14).”

These fearful predictions have come to pass! The pride in the U.S.’s power has been broken and it has won its last war, as its history since World War ii has proved. And these latest simulated war games confirm that the U.S. is incapable of winning a war with Russia and China.

Continuing to proclaim Mr. Armstrong’s bold prophecies, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has also sounded the alarm.

In his May 2005 Trumpet article, Mr. Flurry focused on Ezekiel 7:14: “They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.” Mr. Flurry wrote:

The trumpet of war is to be blown in Israel—mainly America and Britain. (If you would like more information, request our free booklet on Ezekiel. All of our literature is free.) It seems everybody is expecting our people to go into battle, but the greatest tragedy imaginable occurs! Nobody goes to battle—even though the trumpet is blown! Will it be because of computer terrorism? …

Over a decade ago, Joseph de Courcy wrote this in his Intelligence Digest: … “Computer dependence is the Western world’s Achilles’ heel, and within a few years this weakness could be tested to the full.

How strikingly real this has become! America clearly has “a little too much Achilles in [its] heels.” The U.S. could be taken down suddenly by an attack on its command network. What a chilling prophecy that is now capable of becoming reality!

For more information on America’s decline, please read “America Has Won Its Last War.”

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