German Military Bases in Africa: Preparing the Whirlwind
On one of the world’s most underestimated continents, Germany is positioning itself to take unexpected action.
Small contingents of German soldiers are spread out at bases dotting the African map. They train local police and military forces in a region troubled by terrorism. Is this a sign of pacifism and Germany’s commitment to world peace? Or is there a long-term strategy at play?
Under the umbrella of the United Nations and the G-5 Sahel force, and often alongside the French, Germany is making inroads into Africa, which will prove to be of great strategic importance. In cases when they’ve actually been asked to approve a mission, Germany’s parliament has allowed extra room to allow the country to bring in more troops should the need arise. And Germany is no stranger to “secret” troop deployments outside of public knowledge and without parliamentary approval.
“The German Army, in particular, has benefited from wearing this precious UN cloak,” we wrote in He Was Right. “Thanks largely to its participation in peacekeeping missions, the Bundeswehr today is among the most technologically advanced, best-equipped militaries on the planet. Its troops are now dotted throughout Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia on UN and nato missions.”
Germany’s involvement in Africa is part of long-term plan to confront Iran and radical Islam.
Germany’s military mission in the west African nation of Cameroon demonstrates how little anybody actually knows about Germany’s whereabouts on this vast continent.
The mission’s existence was only revealed after a question posed by a lawmaker in the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament. Without that, it would likely never have come to light that German troops were operating in the country, training local military and police forces.
In theory, Germany’s parliament must approve any combat missions. But the German government has found a loophole. If the troops are not deployed in a combat zone, the government argues that it doesn’t need to inform parliament.
Germany initially became involved in Cameroon as part of a mission to combat terrorism. But since that time, tensions between French- and English-speaking segments in the country have flared into violence. It was then that the mission should have stopped or received official approval to continue, according to Christoph Hoffmann, a member of the Free Democratic Party. Neither occurred, and if not for being publicly identified in parliament and subsequently ended in July, it may have continued. However, diplomatic ties with Cameroon remain strong, and nothing rules out a German return, especially if violence increases and local forces are overwhelmed.
The mission in Mali began in 2016 when Germany decided to support Dutch forces already in the country. By 2017, German attack helicopters and transport aircraft were replacing those of their Dutch counterparts.
According to their mandate, which now runs until May 2020, German forces are to support the reestablishment of government control over the central and northern regions of Mali. To this end, German soldiers and police are training the Malian Armed Forces, the G-5 Sahel force, and advising the Malian Ministry of Defense, all in an attempt to combat instability caused by terrorism.
German soldiers are deployed under the banner of two missions: the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali and the European Union Training Mission in Mali. Most are deployed to Mali, said the Defense Post. According to the Swedish Defense Research Agency, 1,053 German troops were deployed to Mali in December 2018. The total mandate allows for 1,100. They are tasked with protecting UN staff and conducting surveillance. Germany is the second-largest contributor to a total of 620 troops involved with the EU Training Mission in Mali. The mission is currently commanded by a German brigadier.
German troops are likely to stay in Mali for the long haul, as “the security situation has been deteriorating for a few years,” said Thomas Schiller of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a German think tank, speaking to Deutsche Welle, adding, “It’s getting worse.” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told Deutsche Welle that “the worst thing we could do would be to leave here.” Mali’s foreign minister agreed, saying, “We think that Germany can help us enormously in this context, particularly in the field of armaments and assistance to defense and security forces.”
“Niger, like Mali and the other countries of the Sahel region, is part of the European neighborhood, a neighborhood facing unending challenges,” said Germany’s former defense minister and current president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. She called Niger a “valuable partner” in combating terrorism and illegal migration.
Germany operates an air logistics base in Niger’s capital, Niamey. Forty soldiers are stationed at the base, which primarily supports antiterrorism operations across the border in Mali. The aircraft based there can also perform midair refueling operations.
Djibouti, Somalia and Beyond
Germany has a presence at a French naval airbase in Djibouti, from which it patrols strategic sea lanes around the Horn of Africa. It conducts air patrols in support of an EU-wide mission to fight piracy and, in the past, has deployed frigates and support ships in the area. German vessels escorted a total of 900 ships, according to the German Federal Ministry of Defense.
The mandate for this was extended this year and will expire in May 2020. Djibouti is considered a “location of increasingly strategic importance,” said the Swedish Defense Research Agency. It is vital for keeping trade through the adjacent sea lanes flowing freely.
Other German bases or training camps are in North Africa and the Middle East. In Tunisia, Germany is actively training, advising and supplying the armed forces, providing radar and night vision equipment to aid in border patrol. Meanwhile, Jordanian troops are being trained in airborne operations, and German Tornado strike jets, supporting strikes against the Islamic State, have been moved to Jordan’s al-Azraq air base. Germany is considering extending the Jordan deployment and perhaps making it permanent.
Hidden Purpose
Germany’s bases are cost-effective and flexible ways of maintaining a military presence while not attracting much attention.
Some deployments, like in Djibouti, are built on the back of France, which has already established a strong military presence in Africa and already conducts direct operations against terrorists through Operation Barkhane.
Although relatively few German soldiers are on station, each base can accommodate more should the full extent of mandates be used. And airbases used for logistics can also be used to host strike fighters and midair refueling tankers.
In every case, the growing establishment of German and European presence in Africa is leading directly to a specific Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
All of Germany’s military deployments are meant to counteract radical Islamic terrorism. And who is the world’s biggest source of terrorism?
In “The Whirlwind Prophecy,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote:
Iran is the number one terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world. It has helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. It is providing aid to Syria, where the government is terrorizing its own people. It is involved with al Qaeda in gaining control over Libya. It supports terrorists in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip that are attacking Israel. It is behind strikes on allied forces in Afghanistan. It is deeply entrenched in Iraq, and is pushing its Islamist agenda in other nations throughout the region and beyond. It is defying the will of the Western world by continuing to develop its nuclear program.
Tehran is pushing its own strategy very effectively. However, this is about to dramatically change.
“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40). The king of the north refers to a German-led united Europe, the last revival of the Holy Roman Empire. It will include 10 European nations, all led by the Catholic Church (Revelation 17:3, 10). These nations will come against “the king of the south,” radical Islam led by Iran. (To prove the identity of these nations in detail, request your free copies of The King of the South and The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.)
Take note: These events are to occur “at the time of the end,” meaning the days immediately preceding Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. As you can prove, we are living in this time right now (read A Pivotal Sign of the End Time for more explanation on this subject).
Mr. Flurry wrote that “the Germans are excellent war strategists and warriors. They are savvy enough to realize that they will never have peace with Iran. They know that sooner or later, their two religions—their two civilizations—will clash.”
This is where the word “whirlwind” takes on great significance. It is all about the strategy Germany will use to conquer Iran. “Germany has expected to clash with Iran, and it has been working on a strategy for a decade or more. That strategy is almost complete. Germany has surrounded Iran,” he wrote. “‘[W]hirlwind’ is a very revealing word in this verse. It means to sweep away in a storm, according to Gesenius’ Lexicon. It can mean ‘to bristle with terror.’ It can also mean terror-stricken, or shivering with fear, invoking the creeping of the skin of one who is terror-stricken.”
It is a simple strategy. As Mr. Flurry wrote, when you look at a map showing German missions in the area, it is clear that Iran is being surrounded. But this strategy can only be known and understood by believing Bible prophecy.
Germany has been planning for a long time to confront the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism. And every deployment, every base, every base-sharing agreement made with close European allies, brings it closer to carrying this out.
This whirlwind attack on Iran will only be the beginning. The Bible that forecasts this in such detail also shows that it will be a key event in a series of events—all of which are part of God’s plan to bring peace to the world.
Watch Germany’s increasing presence in Africa; it is leading to the most dramatic events ever to occur in the history of mankind. To get a clear and complete picture of how German and Iranian strategy will soon fulfill Bible prophecy, order your free copy of Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran, by Gerald Flurry.