Police Brutally Crack Down on Freedom Convoy Protesters

Police face off with demonstrators participating in a protest organized by truck drivers opposing vaccine mandates on Wellington St. on February 19 in Ottawa, Ontario.
Alex Kent/Getty Images

Police Brutally Crack Down on Freedom Convoy Protesters

Where is this government tyranny leading Canada?

On February 18, the city of Ottawa became a war zone. Hundreds of police officers from multiple jurisdictions were deployed to crack down on the Freedom Convoy protesters. It was a dystopian scene as police in tactical gear, using riot equipment, mounted units and armored vehicles, surrounded the protesters and systematically arrested them, searched and towed away vehicles, and committed acts of brutality on peaceful protesters.

Don’t take my word for it. See for yourself in the videos below. Was this law and order stopping a violent insurrection against the government, or was it overwhelming force to crack down on political dissent?

Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie was physically assaulted by officers beating her legs with a baton and shooting her in the leg with a tear gas canister.

Mounted police on horseback from Toronto ran through the crowd and trampled a man and a 50-year-old Indigenous woman with a walker. The Ottawa Police later claimed someone threw a bicycle at a police horse in an attempt to injure the officer. Watch for yourself and see what the truth is:

“Interim Police Chief Steve Bell said in a media update Sunday afternoon that of the 191 arrestees, 107 have been charged,” ctv News reported. “A total of 389 charges have been laid so far, ranging from mischief and obstruction to assault of a police officer, and Bell added that there will be updates on more charges in the next few days.” Seventy-six vehicles have been towed out of the city, and some will be auctioned off to offset police expenses. Tamara Lic and Chris Barber, two of the main convoy organizers, were arrested and charged with various counts of mischief. Are those the kinds of charges given to people plotting insurrection or terrorism?

One hundred police checkpoints have been set up across the downtown core, with police erecting several lines of fencing around Parliament. There are reports of police actively harassing businesses that served the protesters and pedestrians walking on the street.

This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada under the Emergencies Act. And the defining image of Trudeau’s Canada is the government running roughshod over the people.

Some of the most damaging crackdowns are the freezing of financial assets by banks on the government’s behest. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reported that they “froze 206 financial accounts, 306 entities, 253 Bitcoin orders, and an account worth $3.8 million that were connected to the protests.”

In a press conference on February 21, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland indicated that supporting the convoy is only one of the reasons an account may be frozen, and for a person to remove a freeze, he or she would have to stop supporting the protesters. But there are no more ongoing protests or blockades in Canada, so why are they continuing to target Canadians finances?

Interim Police Chief Bell indicated that investigations would continue for months into the future. Anyone who attended the protest or supported them could face ongoing investigations and charges as they intend to hunt down every participant. Conservative Treehouse wrote: “Bell noted cameras, photographs, video surveillance and geolocation systems will be used to assemble information on all the attendees to the protests, and anyone who came into the areas will be hunted by law enforcement for many months and years that follow in order to prosecute and arrest them for noncompliance.” If this investigation takes months to complete, how long will the emergency powers need to stay in place?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, speaking in French, indicated at the February 21 press conference that the federal government was looking into extending the powers for two to three months due to ongoing threats to Canada.

What is the emergency situation that has forced the government into invoking these wartime powers? No one knows. Minister of Public Safety Marco Medicino has repeatedly claimed that the Freedom Convoy was part of a dangerous, violent far-right terrorist organization that wanted to overthrow Canada’s parliamentary democracy. When pushed on that claim, he could provide no evidence, because there is none.

There is no threat or actual national emergency besides the threat to Trudeau’s grip on power. The Liberal Communists are attempting to distort the law and change legal definitions in order to justify crackdowns on political dissent and the use of dictatorial powers to reach a “desired outcome.” In the video below, lawyer and professor Bruce Pardy exposed the Communist playbook and clearly explained why the current use of the Emergencies Act is unlawful.

These are heavy tidings for all Canadians to ponder. Where are all of these protests, the police crackdowns, the government overreach and the increasingly divisive rhetoric leading? There is only one source that can tell you why this is happening and what will happen in the future with 100 percent certainty: the Holy Bible.

Canada and the other English-speaking peoples, like the United States, are descendants of the ancient Israelites, as explained by the late Herbert W. Armstrong in The United States and Britain in Prophecy. These nations received tremendous blessings of national power and prosperity because of the patriarch Abraham’s obedience. However, these blessings are being taken away because our nations have failed to obey God’s laws. Canada is being consumed by curses because of national sins (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28).

The Bible is very specific and vivid in describing these curses. One of them is national division. Mr. Armstrong warned in 1956 that a Communist infiltration was taking place in these Israelite nations and that radical leftists would gain control over education, politics and, “finally, after such infiltration, [overthrow] our government by force and violence!” This Communist infiltration, Mr. Armstrong said, would end in civil war. Communists have infiltrated Canada, and Trudeau’s radical-left government is actively seeking to divide the nation and bring about a revolution.

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in America Under Attack that the radical left are fundamentally transforming the Israelite nations into godless, Communist dictatorships. This attack is actually orchestrated by Satan the devil, who wants to blot out the name of Israel (2 Kings 14:26) and destroy America, Britain and the commonwealth nations.

Invoking the Emergencies Act is a major step forward for that agenda in Canada. It has made vividly clear the fulfillment of another prophecy in Isaiah 3:1-12, where strong male leadership is completely absent, and in its place is national division, and the leadership of women and children. This crisis demands a strong leader of principle and courage, but there are none to be found.

These curses culminate in the time Jesus Christ calls the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). At the beginning of this time period, the end-time nations of Israel will fall into a state of civil war and anarchy. “A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them” (Ezekiel 5:12). Mr. Flurry explains this verse in Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet:

Terrorist attacks, rioting and burning are the main thrust of the pestilence mentioned in Ezekiel 5. And this rioting will spread to other Israelite nations! God will get our attention one way or another. The worse the violence and burning become, the worse the famine will get. The worse the famine becomes, the more intense the violence will get. It becomes a vicious cycle.

This time of civil war and famine coincides with an economic siege on the English-speaking peoples by other world powers. Canada is already experiencing supply chain disruptions and many shortages. The division being sown by Trudeau’s Communist agenda is driving Canada toward increased racial tensions and violence. As Mr. Flurry indicates, this societal breakdown will likely begin in the United States and spread to other nations like Canada and Britain. “When fire begins to burn the cities, that concludes the siege,” Mr. Flurry writes. “The siege will keep intensifying until the cities burn with fire. It concludes with the economy being absolutely destroyed, and with a lot of burning, race wars and other forms of societal meltdown.” The Bible shows one third of the people in the end-time nations of Israel will die during this time. Can you believe these prophecies? What happened in Ottawa is the first taste of the bitter cup Canadians will have to drink unless they repent toward God!

Canada has always been a deeply divided nation. Our own sins, and satanic attacks, are now quickly driving the nation toward unimaginable tragedy. Canada is dying as a nation, but you can take action. You can know exactly what is happening around you. To do that, you need to read our free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet.