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America Trusts Germany With Stealth Nuclear Fighters

U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning ii
Jason Wells/Loop Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

America Trusts Germany With Stealth Nuclear Fighters

I just returned from a visit to Israel. The greatest concern over there currently is a nuclear-armed Iran. But another power is going nuclear in a big way—and almost no one seems concerned.

Germany announced yesterday that it intends to buy American-made F-35A Lightning ii jets.

These are America’s most modern fighter jets, filled with America’s top technology. Only the United States’ closest allies are allowed to buy them. To be getting such jets is a major military advancement for Germany. For the first time, the German Air Force will have a stealth jet. This will also be its first “fifth generation” fighter. But most significantly, this jet is designed to carry Germany’s nuclear weapons.

Few people understand that Germany has nuclear weapons. From 1999 through 2010, Time magazine wrote a number of articles about “Europe’s dirty secret.” What is that secret? The fact that America stores hundreds of nuclear weapons there.

When we talk about European nations with nuclear weapons, we usually think of Britain and France. But there are five other nations with nuclear bombs—bombs that technically belong to America.

In Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Turkey, the U.S. stores about 150 to 200 thermonuclear bombs. It originally deployed these bombs and more to nato nations in Europe during the Cold War from 1947 to 1991. At the peak of this program, America had over 7,300 tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. Since the Berlin Wall fell, those numbers have steadily fallen. But many of these weapons remain there.

Are these bombs still necessary? Is it still worth the risk to leave nuclear weapons in nations that were America’s enemies as recently as World War ii? These questions apparently don’t concern American leaders, who are now giving Germany the ability to put these bombs on a stealth jet.

Does anyone remember the destruction these nations caused or the devastation nuclear weapons have wreaked?

Nuclear weapons are a horrific menace. Just one can vaporize a city full of people. Two hundred of them are enough to destroy the whole world! Yet America has given those bombs to these five nations—two of which were our bitter enemies just 70 years ago!

In the minds of many people, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made nuclear war a real possibility. Russian President Vladimir Putin placed his nuclear forces on high alert last month. He threatened “consequences greater than any you have faced in history” to any nation that interferes with his conquest of Ukraine.

Now Germany is thinking about nuclear weapons too. The only planes Germany currently has to carry the B61 nuclear bombs stationed there are Tornado jets. The Tornado took its first flight nearly half a century ago and is now obsolete.

America is also upgrading the B61 bombs stationed in Germany and elsewhere, making them more accurate and modifying them to fit the F-35. The upgraded bombs will have gps guidance and a variable yield—meaning they can be dialed up or down to create a range of explosions, from 50 times smaller than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima to one three times larger. Hans Kristensen described it as an “all-in-one nuclear bomb on steroids.”

America is giving Germany access to its most advanced and deadliest weapons. The crucial question is, does the United States really have control over those bombs?

Tactical weapons are usually carried by short-range delivery vehicles like cruise missiles or fighter or bomber aircraft with ranges under 850 miles. They cannot be launched intercontinentally, but they are small enough to be shipped wherever needed in the back of a truck!

Another horrifying possibility is the risk these smaller devices have of being stolen by rogue nations or terrorists. These are immensely powerful weapons! Can we really trust other nations with such firepower?

How Secure Are These Weapons?

These weapons technically belong to Washington, but do they really? They remain under U.S. control unless permission is given to hand them over to the host nation in times of war. However, following a series of blunders over the years, the security of these nukes has been called into question.

“According to a Blue Ribbon Review set up by the U.S. Air Force in 2008, most U.S. nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe do not meet U.S. Defense Department security standards,” wrote Tom Sauer and Bob van der Zwaan in a May 2011 report for the Harvard Kennedy School, titled “U.S. Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe After NATO’s Lisbon Summit: Why Their Withdrawal Is Desirable and Feasible.”

The Kleine Brogel Air Base in Belgium is one base that hosts America’s tactical nuclear weapons. In 2001, this base was the target of an al Qaeda extremist named Nizar Trabelsi. In 2010, the same base was penetrated by peace activists. The activists climbed the perimeter fence and wandered around the base for more than an hour, videotaping their escapade. When they were finally caught, base security didn’t even confiscate the videotape!

It is appalling that the U.S. is so careless with something so deadly dangerous! This is the kind of mistake that will have terrible real-world consequences.

Do you think the European nations that host these weapons are as indifferent about them as America is?

Think about the potential for a nuclear debacle. Little could stand in the way of those nations taking over those bombs and using them however they choose. Those weapons could conceivably be turned back on America!

How naive America is to entrust this immense firepower to nations that so recently—and throughout history—have proved to be enemies of the free world!

Right now, Germany seems to be an ally of the United States. But what if this nation—our archenemy in World Wars i and ii—turned against us in the next war?

Germany claims to be an ally. Yet Europe is sending more money to Russia right now than it was before Russia invaded Ukraine! Germany has led all of Europe to refuse to boycott Russian oil and gas. They’re not even taking simple steps that could reduce the amount of money they send to Russia. Is Germany really acting like an ally—especially one that America can trust with the most destructive weapons ever produced?

America trusts Germany, but history screams that it shouldn’t!

The trust America is placing in Germany is absolutely condemned by the Bible. Why? Because it is trusting other nations rather than trusting God.

The Revival of an Old Empire

In Matthew 24:21-22, Jesus Christ Himself warned of the frightening prospect of mankind wiping itself out: “[E]xcept those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.” The Moffatt translation clarifies this by translating it “saved alive.” This isn’t talking about spiritual salvation but human survival.

No human mind at that time could have foreseen the development of weapons so deadly that mankind would risk destroying itself. Yet Vladimir Putin is openly threatening that destruction.

It is childish folly to think anybody but Christ could stop this nuclear madness. All this nuclear insanity is a part of the sign of the end of the age when Christ will save humanity from exterminating itself!

We should, then, listen to what Christ has to say about Germany and about America’s trust in it.

America has forgotten what Hitler-led Germany and Mussolini-led Italy did in World War ii. But this problem isn’t just confined to World Wars i and ii. The partnership of Germany and Italy is really the heart of the “Holy” Roman Empire, which has risen up six times to cause bloodshed like no other empire in history! Six times—so far!

Germany’s alliance with Italy against America and Britain in World War ii, just seven decades ago, was the sixth resurrection of this centuries-long, destructive church-state combine.

And now, this empire is back. Its seventh and last revival has now formed. When the moment is right, it will once again rise up as a horribly destructive, nuclear-armed church-state combine that will wreak unimaginable destruction and death!

All this was prophesied in your Bible: the repeated resurrections of this empire, its sixth appearance in the Nazi-fascist alliance, its current rise in a German-led European alliance. Prophecy even tells us exactly how long this final revival will last and how it will end.

This is where biblical prophecy actually has good news for us: because this empire’s last resurrection will conclude with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

Friend or Foe?

When Germany announced its rearmament two weeks ago, America welcomed the decision with rapturous applause. In the days afterward, German Economic Minister Robert Habeck visited Washington. Der Spiegel wrote that Habeck was “welcomed with open arms” and “showered with goodwill” from America’s leaders.

“At the German Embassy in Washington, diplomats could hardly believe the number of people who wanted to meet with Habeck: the secretaries for commerce and energy as well as security and energy advisers,” Der Spiegel wrote. “And then Habeck also rushed to Antony Blinken on Tuesday afternoon for an hourlong conversation. Habeck’s people hadn’t even asked to meet with the secretary of state—the request reportedly came from the U.S. side.”

In the Bible, God condemns America and Britain (and the other modern descendants of ancient Israel) for forsaking Him and for doting on their “lovers.” And today, what do we find ourselves doing? Arming two warlike nations, our historical enemies, with nuclear firepower! This is an appallingly dangerous mistake!

In the end-time book of Ezekiel, God says, “And Aholah [speaking of the modern nations of Israel] played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours …. Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted” (Ezekiel 23:5, 9). This whole chapter concerns Israel, here called Aholah, and the Jews, called Aholibah, setting themselves up for one of the most shocking betrayals in history!

The Assyrians are the forefathers of the modern Germans, and one of the names used in biblical prophecy to refer to Germany today. (We prove this in our article “Is Germany in Bible Prophecy?”)

Ezekiel’s prophecy continues, “She [America and Britain] doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men” (verse 12). Germany is a very militaristic country, a nation with impressive soldiers. Now, as this country dramatically expands its military, America is celebrating.

“And as soon as she saw them with her eyes, she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea. And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them” (verses 16-17). In our time, “the Babylonians” refers to the Holy Roman Empire, which has Germany, Italy and the Vatican at its core.

God has a strong view about cozying up to such “lovers”! It is a matter of trust. America has no trust in God for protection, so it is trusting another nation—in this case, one with a terrifying history! We have put human beings ahead of God. God condemns modern Israel—especially America, Britain and the Jews—because they have “forgotten me” (verse 35). That is a serious mistake these nations are going to come to regret.

Rearming Germany

Near the close of World War ii, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt presented a document promising they would never allow Germany to arm itself again. They were motivated by their recent experience and the long history of German warfare, which actually goes all the way back to ancient Assyria.

That promise has long been forgotten. Did you know that today, Germany is actually building components needed in nuclear weapons?

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky wrote an article published by Global Research on March 21, 2013, titled “Belgium or Iran, Where’s the Nuclear Threat? Europe’s Five ‘Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States.’” In it he wrote, “While Germany is not categorized officially as a nuclear power, it produces nuclear warheads for the French Navy. It stockpiles nuclear warheads (made in America) and it has the capabilities of delivering nuclear weapons. Moreover, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (eads), a Franco-German-Spanish joint venture controlled by Deutsche Aerospace and the powerful Daimler Group, is Europe’s second-largest military producer, supplying France’s M51 nuclear missile.”

That is astounding! In a single lifetime, we have gone from denying Germany the right to ever militarize again—to letting it build nuclear warheads!

By starting World War ii, Germany and Italy caused the deaths of some 50 million people! Now, because we think these nations have changed, we have given them our nuclear bombs. But have these nations really changed? Are we absolutely sure they will never repeat their past?

Many authors have shown that after World War ii, the Allies spent just two years denazifying Germany. Then we stopped and told the Germans to denazify themselves. Now, based on our assumption that they completed the job, we risk nuclear annihilation.

The truth is that at the end of World War ii, when they knew defeat was inevitable, Nazi leaders began to prepare to go underground. Major corporations like Messerschmitt and Volkswagen committed to hiring top Nazi officials so they could continue their plan for German domination underground until World War iii.

That is documented history! In the 1990s, U.S. intelligence declassified that information—after shamefully keeping it secret for 50 years!

When proof of this secret plan became public, Elan Steinberg of the World Jewish Congress said, “The central question is whether it has been carried out.” We have shown repeatedly that it was carried out! There are elites within Germany who never did give up on the plan to conquer the world. And now, America has turned over control of some incredibly powerful U.S. weaponry to this nation!

This is an insane policy, even by normal standards of common sense. But God sees it for what it really is. He says America and Britain are worse than a prostitute: We are like a woman who has forsaken her husband and become a prostitute who pays the customer to come to her (Ezekiel 16:33-34). That’s how abominable this is to God!

The sobering reality is that any one of the countries that has these bombs could take control of these weapons by force and use them against the U.S. Two hundred nuclear bombs are sitting in European countries—enough to destroy the world—and the proliferation is spreading!

But the awesome news is that Christ will return! He will let us experience the suffering we have brought upon ourselves because of our sins. But just as sure as those seven resurrections of the Holy Roman Empire have come on the scene exactly according to prophecy—and just as sure as the prophesied World War iii is about to come—we can be absolutely confident that He will return.

When that happens, these bombs and all the destruction they wreak will be destroyed forever. Jesus Christ will bring the solution to this terrible problem. You can prove that truth straight from your own Bible.

Thank God for that endless hope!

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