What Is the Great Reset?

What Is the Great Reset?
The coronavirus pandemic is probably the most globally destructive event to take place in our lifetimes. In America alone, it crashed the economy, caused the gross domestic product to fall by the biggest percentage since the Great Depression, pushed 22 million Americans into unemployment, and increased the national debt by nearly $10 trillion. It also caused school closures, anxiety, obesity, alcoholism, crime, drug overdoses and suicide, and it gave radical leftists a means of stealing the 2020 presidential election with fraudulent ballots.
Yet despite all this destruction, many politicians are excited. Key leaders at international institutions like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations say the coronavirus pandemic is a golden opportunity to “reset” the world’s economic and political systems. They say it is time to abolish free markets and implement wealth taxes, government regulations and massive infrastructure spending programs. Having successfully shut down the global economy, they are attempting to convert it into a socialist system governed by central planners.
Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and economist, wrote that “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism” (June 3, 2020).
Schwab is not a random blogger. He is head of the World Economic Forum. This international lobbying organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, is funded by over 1,000 large corporations, each with an annual turnover of at least $5 billion. It serves as an influential brokering organization between the economic and political worlds. And Schwab has openly bragged that it penetrates political cabinets around the globe.
Many prominent leaders pay attention to Schwab’s ideas. Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the Biden regime supports the Great Reset. Prince Charles of Great Britain said the Great Reset is a chance to prioritize sustainable development without further damaging the planet. Pope Francis has used the opportunity to attack free markets, saying that they make people vulnerable to disease.
Powerful, wealthy, influential people are openly pushing for this Great Reset. So what is it exactly? Is it a fictional conspiracy theory? Is it real? Is it good? Is it evil? Will it affect you?
A Planned Crisis
The term “Great Reset” was popularized by a July 2020 book written by Schwab and Thierry Malleret, titled COVID-19: The Great Reset. Yet the idea goes back decades.
Schwab founded the World Economic Forum in 1971 and introduced a concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism.” This term sounds innocuous, but the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben calls it “Communist capitalism.” Dr. Michael Rectenwald calls it “corporate socialism.” This is because it resembles the “corporate socialism” system used by Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, Falangist Spain, Vichy France, Peronist Argentina and many other nations.
Former judge Andrew Napolitano defines fascism as “private ownership, but government control.” Such an economic system differs from communism (government ownership and government control) and capitalism (private ownership and private control). “Stakeholder capitalism” is fascism, updated for a 21st-century audience.
Schwab has been trying to spread his neo-fascist ideas worldwide for the past five decades. He has attracted an incredible number of elites to the World Economic Forum, but he had little success in implementing them on everyday people until the coronavirus pandemic convinced millions of people to accept drastic government interventions. This makes Schwab’s role in planning the world’s economic and political response to covid-19 seem almost sinister.
In May 2018, more than two years before covid-19 leaked out from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the World Economic Forum collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to simulate a national pandemic response. Dubbed Clade X, this simulation previewed almost every aspect of the covid crisis, from lockdowns to mass unemployment to stimulus spending. Afterward, the World Economic Forum collaborated with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct Event 201, another simulation of a national pandemic response involving a novel coronavirus.
While Obama administration officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci were working with officials at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer a virus, officials at the World Economic Forum were working to engineer a lockdown. These facts should concern everyone! We don’t know what went on behind closed doors, but we do know that world leaders were not caught off guard by the pandemic. Just days before President Donald Trump was inaugurated, Dr. Fauci warned that a pandemic was coming, and top officials at the World Economic Forum already had a plan in place that would be triggered by a disease epidemic. Lockdowns, unemployment and government stimulus spending were part of this plan.
In other words, global elites not only anticipated a disease outbreak, they were excited by the opportunity. It would help them fundamentally transform the world’s economic system and their control over everyday people.
A New System
In COVID-19: The Great Reset, Schwab and Malleret explain how hyperinflation destroyed the German deutsche mark in the 1920s and how rising debt levels may destroy the American dollar today. Their logic is unassailable. Yet given their role in planning pandemic stimulus spending before there was even a pandemic, you have to wonder whether they engineered the Great Reset to destroy the dollar.
“The deep disruption caused by covid-19 globally has offered societies an enforced pause to reflect on what is truly of value,” write Schwab and Malleret. “With the economic emergency responses to the pandemic now in place, the opportunity can be seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will put economies on a new path towards a fairer, greener future. The history of radical rethinking in the years following World War ii, which included the establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions, the United Nations, the EU and the expansion of welfare states, shows the magnitude of the shifts possible.”
So here we have two neofascist economists writing about “economic emergency responses” of their design representing an opportunity to rethink the entire free-market economic system that has dominated the Western world for a lifetime since the defeat of the Axis powers (and their economic systems) in World War ii. This is some shocking analysis to read. Even if Schwab and Malleret didn’t deliberately engineer the Great Reset to destroy the dollar, it is evident that they would love to see the dollar fall.
“Even though the Fed and the U.S. Treasury manage the dollar and its influential network worldwide with efficacy, skeptics emphasize that the willingness of the U.S. administration to weaponize the U.S. dollar for geopolitical purposes (like punishing countries and companies that trade with Iran or North Korea) will inevitably incentivize dollar holders to look for alternatives,” they continue. “The Chinese renminbi (rmb) could be an option, but not until strict capital controls are eliminated and the rmb turns into a market-determined currency, which is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future. The same goes for the euro; it could be an option but not until doubts about a possible implosion of the eurozone dissipate for good, which again is an unlikely prospect in the next few years. As for a global virtual currency, there is none in sight yet, but there are attempts to launch national digital currencies that may eventually dethrone the U.S. dollar supremacy.”
They admit that the only reason the dollar is still the reserve currency is that the renminbi and the euro are in even worse shape. But this could change if China implemented free-market reforms or Europe united into a superstate with the authority to dictate its members’ fiscal policy.
Some might reason that it makes little sense to provoke a currency crisis to destroy the dollar if that crisis also destroys the euro and every other major currency. But the Trumpet has noted for years that the euro was designed to fail from its inception. Good economists know you cannot have a stable monetary union without a centralized body making decisions about the collection and expenditure of taxes. So the euro will never be stable until the nations within the eurozone surrender their independence to a federal government in the same way U.S. states surrendered to Washington, D.C. The World Economic Forum’s response to the covid-19 pandemic is forcing these member states to do just that.
A Fourth Reich
The World Economic Forum’s role in the Great Reset becomes even more concerning when you realize that its founder has ties back to Nazi Germany. Klaus Schwab was born in 1938 to Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht. His father moved from Switzerland to Germany during the Third Reich and became a director at Escher Wyss AG, a company that used slaves to manufacture key atomic bomb technologies for Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.
Of course, Klaus was too young to be complicit in his father’s crimes. Still, look at his ideology and the changes he is pushing for in the world. His “stakeholder capitalism” is close enough to the “corporate socialism” of Nazi Germany that you could say the Great Reset is succeeding where Hitler’s economists and generals failed.
The declassified document known as the Red House Report provided a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Hotel Rotes Haus in Strasbourg, France, on Aug. 10, 1944, where Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for a Fourth Reich. This report is reprinted in our free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans. Many of the eurozone’s founders were closet Nazis building an empire.
These men understood economics and designed a monetary union that would force the nations of Europe to unite into a superstate. In his 1997 book The Principality and Power of Europe, Adrian Hilton described the ambition of the eurozone’s founders: “Europe’s nations should be guided towards a superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.” Euro Pacific Capital’s John Browne elaborated, “In essence, the euro was created as a lever to encourage a complete European political union rather than as a currency representing … an already unified economy.”
In other words, the eurozone’s founders deliberately planted the seeds for a future crisis that only they could fix.
Schwab’s World Economic Forum was initially called the European Management Forum, and its first meeting was under the patronage of the European Commission and European industrial associations. Its allegiance is to the EU, and its goal is to create a crisis that will overthrow the dollar and force the nations of Europe to unite into a superstate. Toward this end, the covid-19 outbreak has given it an unprecedented opportunity to create a hyperinflation crisis that robs ordinary citizens of their money until they are willing to surrender their freedom for a new currency. The late Christopher Story, a former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, believed Germany might introduce a gold-backed “new deutsche mark” once the euro inevitably failed.
Regardless of Germany’s exact plans, the Great Reset will cause people to surrender their liberty in return for economic security and relief from hyperinflation.
The late Herbert W. Armstrong predicted that a financial crisis would likely be the catalyst prompting European nations to unite into a “United States of Europe.” Specifically, he warned that a massive banking crisis “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power larger than either the Soviet Union or the U.S.” (co-worker letter, July 22, 1984).
Once the euro is supported by a central government strong enough to regulate its member states’ taxation and spending policies, the dollar’s days as the world’s dominant reserve currency will be numbered.
Prophesied Destruction
In his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Mr. Armstrong explained that the Anglo-Saxons who settled in the U.S. and Britain are descendants of the ancient Israelites. This means that end-time prophecies in the Bible concerning Israel are directed at the U.S. and British Commonwealth. A series of prophecies in Deuteronomy reveals the specific curses that would descend on end-time Israel if it turned from God’s law.
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee. … The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. … The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand …. And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates …” (Deuteronomy 28:15, 43-44, 49, 52).
This chapter specifically foretells debt problems when it says, “He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him.” It also indicates trade war when it says, “[H]e shall besiege thee in all thy gates.”
Other prophecies reveal that Assyria will be “the rod” and “the staff” that God uses to punish America (see Isaiah 10:5; Lamentations 5:6; Ezekiel 23:9). The United States and Britain in Prophecy further explains how Assyrians settled in the European states that became modern-day Germany. Germany will ultimately partner with nine other European nations to besiege and invade the U.S. (Revelation 17:12-13). This prophecy can only be fulfilled if a European superstate surpasses America in economic and military might.
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explained in his television program “Coronavirus and the Holy Roman Empire” that the pandemic will prompt 10 European nations to unite into a German-led superstate that will attack America. Right now, the militaries of Europe cannot match the might of the U.S. military. Still, prophecy shows that a great reset will make Germany the head of nations and America the tail of nations. The recent actions by the son of Eugen Wilhelm Schwab may end up being tremendously significant.
Now is the time to heed God’s warning and understand that He is allowing calamity to come upon the world for a reason: to correct people for turning away from His commandments and statutes. These prophecies are alarming—but if you are stirred to seek God and His protection, there is nothing more exciting on this planet.