Why U.S. Math Scores Are Plummeting

Why U.S. Math Scores Are Plummeting

Apparently ‘striving for perfection’ is ‘part of white supremacy culture.’

The math skills of America’s students are falling at the fastest rate in history, an October 24 government report revealed. Just 26 percent of eighth graders (13-to-14-year-olds) were deemed to be proficient in math, down from 34 percent in 2019, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress—aka, the Nation’s Report Card.


The covid factor: This is the first national report card since covid-19, and many recognize the massive damage America’s pandemic response did to the nation’s education. As we wrote at the time, the “cure” for covid has been worse than the disease.

“The results show the profound toll on student learning during the pandemic, as the size and scope of the declines are the largest ever in mathematics.” —Peggy G. Carr, National Center for Education Statistics Commissioner

But that’s not all: Another factor destroying American education is “woke” indoctrination. Analyzing an early data set from the same institution, RealClearEducation unearthed some shocking examples:

One California student reported that a teacher at his school told the class that perfectionism and striving for perfection was part of white supremacy culture. Another one of his teachers “made it seem like it was bad to have a good work ethic or to be supportive of meritocracy.” In his school, grades were inflated, low grades were eliminated, late assignments were allowed, and multiple retakes of exams were permitted. Rigor simply disappeared.

“To not teach hard work and to not teach a work ethic is going to be disastrous for the kids who kind of cruise along in public schools,” the student reflected.

It’s no coincidence that this historic drop in test scores has happened as U.S. schools embrace extreme beliefs such as critical race theory.

In 2020, the Trumpet described a new math curriculum that taught that “math has been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color.” Instead of being taught arithmetic and algebra, kids discuss subjects like, “How important is it to be right? What is right? Says who?” No wonder eighth graders are not “proficient” in math.

The decline in math standards is merely a side effect of an even worse push: an attack on the minds of America’s children. We wrote:

These are just a few examples of the radicalization of public-school curricula in America and many other nations. Educators are teaching the next generation leftist views that depict the West, especially America, as oppressive, hate-filled and genocidal. They are exalting wealth redistribution and socialism while condemning free markets. They are encouraging students to become environmental activists. They are teaching radical views about sexuality, normalizing transgenderism, gender fluidity and sexual experimentation.

These educators realize something that too many others have taken for granted: The minds of children are worth fighting for. Leftists are using education to shape the next generation into tomorrow’s activists and radicals. They recognize that implanting these politicized social concepts into young minds will reshape society.

Teaching children is a critical responsibility. It is something we must fight to get right, especially against such attacks. At stake is not just our children’s ability to do math and hold down a good job, but also their ability to live in a way that brings happiness and fulfillment. You can learn more about this in our article “What Is Your Child Learning in Public School?