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Supreme Court Upholds Title 42

The U.S. Supreme Court building
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Supreme Court Upholds Title 42

A timely reminder of the Supreme Court’s unique ability to restore law and order

The Supreme Court is the only thing stopping the flood at the southern border from turning into a tsunami.

Since Joe Biden took office, illegal immigration has skyrocketed. Millions have tried to enter the United States illegally. Over a million have succeeded. And all that has been with Title 42 still in place.

Title 42 is a border policy that was enacted by President Donald Trump in the spring of 2020, just as the covid-19 pandemic began. It was based on 19th-century health laws aimed at protecting the country from contagious diseases. Before this policy, immigrants could come into the U.S. seeking asylum, be granted a future date for their hearing, and then be released into the country. In most cases, they simply wouldn’t turn up for the hearing. But Title 42 allowed for their immediate expulsion from the U.S. before a hearing.

Joe Biden didn’t like this policy. His administration signaled back in April that it planned to end it. Radical federal judges blocked Republican efforts to keep it in place. It was due to expire last week. Border crossings have already been at record levels, but tens of thousands more were amassing at the southern border in anticipation.

But then the Supreme Court intervened. On Tuesday, December 27, it voted 5-4 to keep Title 42 in place, two days before it was scheduled to expire.

Tuesday’s court filings show that the Department of Homeland Security claims Title 42 is “now obsolete” as a policy because the covid emergency is over—but at the same time, it extended the covid-19 national emergency through April 2023. The Supreme Court recognized this logical contradiction and chose to uphold Title 42.

But this doesn’t change the sad reality that the only thing U.S. states can rely on to manage the border crisis is a circumstantial Trump-era policy. It’s why the Republican states wanted it upheld. According to the Biden administration, America has a “broken immigration system.” It said Title 42 is twisting an emergency public-health law into a “makeshift immigration control measure.” But it has had over two years to come up with an effective border policy that plugs all the holes. It hasn’t, simply because it doesn’t want to.

Why would the Biden administration fix something that it wants broken?

There were two last-minute amendments to the enormous $1.7 trillion omnibus bill that would have extended Title 42. They both failed to pass the Senate. The bill gave $410 million to solidify the borders of five different countries, while specifically prohibiting the use of any money to secure the U.S. border. In fact, the Biden administration is requesting $3 billion to make asylum requests a mere formality. “We need Congress to give us the funds we’ve requested to do this in a safe, orderly and humane way,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

It’s not enough to blow the southern border wide open. They want to bankrupt the country in the process.

This is yet another instance of the radical left intentionally fomenting chaos. As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has emphasized, this isn’t incompetence; it is treason. This is chaos by design.

But it is also important to note the power of the Supreme Court. It still plans to meet in 2023 in order to fully debate the legality of Title 42. But this ruling shows how clear thinking and logic can stave off a wave of fentanyl, cartels and gang members. It also provided a timely reminder of the power the Supreme Court has to choke off radicalism while restoring law and order.

As the forces of lawlessness grow stronger, this is the kind of power that only the Supreme Court possesses. It is uniquely positioned to make the right rulings on even the most controversial political issues by basing them on the Constitution. That’s exactly why it exists. And Mr. Flurry has said that is exactly what it will do in the most controversial but crucial political issue: the presidency.

Even though the radical left used the voting machines to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections, Donald Trump recently announced that he would run for president again. He isn’t giving up. “After all the terrible attacks on this man for the past six years, it is remarkable that he has the stamina and determination and fight to keep doing battle for this country,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “He is a man ready for war.”

Mr. Flurry continued: “Somebody needs to take a case against the voting machines to the Supreme Court. As I wrote in America Under Attack, Amos 7:13 indicates that it is that court—there called ‘the king’s court’—that will make the decision. Then God can get Mr. Trump into office. That will surely happen soon.”

Yes, the Supreme Court is in Bible prophecy! It is going to play a pivotal role in events to take place very soon in the United States.

Perhaps the action on Title 42 is a temporary one that will be reversed upon review. However, it shows how powerful the Supreme Court is. And the Bible indicates that court will be at the heart of resolving some of the most bitter political turmoil the United States has ever been involved in. To learn more, please read Mr. Flurry’s article “Is America’s Supreme Court in Bible Prophecy?

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