Justin Trudeau: Puppet Prime Minister of Canada
Is Justin Trudeau a fake prime minister? Some shocking leaks from Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (csis) to the Globe and Mail reveal that the Chinese Communist Party interfered in the 2019 and 2021 elections to ensure Trudeau was reelected into a minority government.
The most damning detail is that the prime minister was briefed on the threat of Chinese interference in 2019 and 2021 but did nothing to stop the Chinese operations in either election. Why?
Trudeau now faces demands to launch a public inquiry into the foreign interference, but he has defiantly refused. The prime minister will instead appoint his own independent investigator to head the inquiry. Trudeau is also investigating the whistleblowers to see if they broke national security information laws. It appears the Liberals are following the old adage that you only appoint an inquiry if you know the results beforehand.
The prime minister has been caught lying several times, giving contradictory answers, and he refuses to address direct questions on the controversy. What is he hiding?
After eight years of scandals and corruption, the Trudeau government appears to be in a precarious predicament. It is refreshing to finally see whistleblowers with courage and media willing to look into the details of the scandal. However, they are late to the story. The Trumpet reported on this interference scandal only days after the election. On Sept. 30, 2021, the Trumpet wrote in “Did China Steal Canada’s Election?”:
However, the biggest winner of the Canadian election was the Chinese Communist Party (ccp).
Evidence is emerging of Chinese interference that resulted in voting irregularities. What has been titled the “status quo election” will actually yield Canada’s most pro-China Parliament ever. It has also returned power to the nation’s most authoritarian leader ever.
Deep corruption in the Chinese-Canadian relationship is being exposed. Most astounding is that the Canadian elite have deliberately pursued this dangerous relationship for decades.
Illegitimate elections have consequences. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg for China-Trudeau corruption. There is a generational link between the Chinese Communist Party, the Trudeau family and the Liberal Party. Now this web of corruption has ensnared the entire nation and is shaping Canada into a puppet of foreign powers.
Chinese Interference
Robert Fife and Steven Chase at the Globe and Mail reviewed classified documents from csis on what the government knew about Chinese interference before the 2021 election. “China employed a sophisticated strategy to disrupt Canada’s democracy in the 2021 federal election campaign as Chinese diplomats and their proxies backed the reelection of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals—but only to another minority government—and worked to defeat Conservative politicians considered to be unfriendly to Beijing,” they reported.
The Chinese deployed an extensive strategy of using its consulates to pressure Chinese Canadian community members and Chinese-language media to support certain candidates. Canadian proxies of the ccp waged disinformation campaigns against candidates who supported strong “anti-China” policies. The consulates also pressured new immigrants to Canada to vote for preferred candidates. “csis also explained how Chinese diplomats conduct foreign interference operations in support of political candidates and elected officials,” Fife and Chase continued. ” Tactics include undeclared cash donations to political campaigns or having business owners hire international Chinese students and ‘assign them to volunteer in electoral campaigns on a full-time basis.’”
Following the election, former consul-general in Vancouver Tong Xiaoling boasted that she helped defeat two Conservative candidates in 2021. Other Chinese diplomats admitted that the ccp prefers when there is a minority government so the parties “fight with each other,” which weakens resistance against Chinese intentions.
Despite the established facts of Chinese interference, the Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections task force established by Trudeau never told the public about threats of Chinese interference. The prime minister publicly stated in November 2022 that there was no foreign meddling in the 2019 and 2021 elections, despite receiving a briefing last fall that the Chinese consulate in Toronto targeted 11 ridings in the 2019 election.
The prime minister’s denial of foreign interference directly contradicts two memos obtained by Sam Cooper at Global News, who wrote: “Justin Trudeau said he was never briefed on the issue, and his security adviser has dismissed it out of hand, but two high-level national security reports before and after the 2019 election suggest they were warned that Chinese government officials were funneling money to Canadian political candidates.”
Did Chinese meddling affect the outcome of the election? Trudeau was reelected in 2021 with the lowest share of the electoral vote in history at 34 percent. Only 5 million Canadians voted for the prime minister out of a nation of 36 million. There was also a record-low turnout in 2021. Without Chinese interference, ruling may have been very tenuous for Trudeau. An official government report concluded that the interference did not affect the outcome of the 2021 election—but the author worked for the Pierre Trudeau Foundation when it received donations from China (I’m sure that’s just a coincidence).
These are serious allegations, but it is merely bringing into view a vast network of collusion with China that started a generation ago with two powerful men from Montreal.
Family Legacy of Collusion
When Pierre Trudeau was elected prime minister in 1968, one of his first actions was to recognize Mao Zedong’s Communist government; he became the first Western leader to do so. One of his major foreign-policy objectives was to pivot Canada toward Communist China.
Yet Trudeau did not do this alone. He was allied with Paul Desmarais Sr., the Quebec billionaire owner of Power Corp. with vast amounts of influence in Canadian industry and politics. Trudeau and Desmarais founded the Canada China Business Council (ccbc) in 1978 with some of the most powerful companies in the country. The founding members of the ccbc include the Chinese state-owned company citic, Power Corp., bmo Financial Group, Bombardier, snc-Lavalin (which Justin Trudeau has illegally shielded from charges of fraud), Barrick Gold Corp., Export Development Canada, Manulife Financial and Sun Life Financial. All of these groups are or were based in Montreal.
The ccbc is dedicated to lobbying the Canadian government to promote business with Beijing. The ccbc has also become the “brain trust” of the Liberal Party: Nearly every important and influential Liberal politician of the past 40 years has ties to this organization. There are billions of dollars at stake, including personal fortune, in keeping Canada China-friendly.
In this process Desmarais became the kingpin of the Laurentain elite: the Canadian George Soros. Four prime ministers in the past four decades have worked for Desmarais or are connected to his family through marriage: Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chrietian and Paul Martin are included in his web of influence. The ccbc, Liberal Party and Desmarais alliance have been pushing Canada into a vulnerable position with Communist China.
However, the foreign interference does not stop there. The old Desmarais network used foreign interference to usher in the next generation of leadership: Justin Trudeau. In the August 2022 Trumpet, we wrote: “Prior to the 2015 election that brought Trudeau to power, liberal think tank Canada 2020 connected Canada’s elite with elite members of the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Podesta and other lesser-known figures who feature in both Obama’s and Trudeau’s tight circles.” Canada 2020 brought in the Obama electoral machine to get Trudeau into power. This is why Obama endorses Trudeau before every election, which is foreign interference.
Who was in charge of Canada 2020? Thomas Pitfield, who previously worked for the ccbc. The connections don’t stop there. Pitfield’s father, Michael Pitfield, was Pierre Trudeau’s chief civil servant and right-hand man. Michael Pitfield was the chief architect of inner machinations of the Trudeau government. The diplomat John G. H. Halstead described Pitfield as an “evil influence” who created the massive bureaucratic apparatus of the Canadian government. Where did Pitfield go after government? From the mid-1980s to 2002 he was vice chairman of Power Corp. and later director emeritus of the company.
This Desmarais-Trudeau alliance opened the door for Obama’s influence in Canadian politics. This is a significant event that has only been reported at the Trumpet. Obama is spearheading a generation of leaders who want to fundamentally transform the Western world with communism. Trudeau is using the Obama playbook to transform Canada.
The Communist Chinese also helped Justin Trudeau come to power. Jean-Francois Lisee wrote a column in LeDevoir showing that Trudeau held a high-end fundraiser with Chinese business people associated with the ccp, who eventually donated $200,000 to the Pierre Trudeau Foundation. Further, in July 2016 Trudeau’s riding in Montreal received $70,000 from the Chinese community in Vancouver, which was 68 percent of all donations for that year.
Is Trudeau a legitimate prime minister, or a puppet of Obama and the ccp?
Canada Under Attack
Justin Trudeau has not won a single election without either Barack Obama or Xi Jinping helping him. He has done nothing to stop foreign interference because each time it has helped him come to power.
Canada is under attack by a Communist infiltration, which the late Herbert W. Armstrong warned would undermine our nations. There are three distinct avenues to this attack. First, Trudeau’s government is seeking to transform Canada into a Communist state—an attack from within. The second is the guiding influence of Barack Obama, who plays the leading role of this Communist attack in Bible prophecy, which you can read about in America Under Attack. Trudeau is copying the Obama playbook. The third is the foreign influence of China on Canadian politics. Not only are our leaders, educators and institutions ideologically Communist, but the dangerous Chinese dragon unduly influences the trajectory of Canadian government. Hosea 7:11 calls the British Commonwealth and Canada a “silly dove” because they trust in foreign countries instead of trusting in God. Our silly-dove foreign policy has opened the door for China to interfere in our elections and influence our leaders.
All of these attacks amount to having a prime minister who is a puppet to radical Communist demagogues.
These headlines are exposing the deep rot inside of Canada. It is high time Canadians wake up to the warning from God of where this is leading the country and see the very real spiritual cause behind this attack. You can see the corruption; now it is time to see the solution outlined in the Word of God. Read The United States and Britain in Prophecy and America Under Attack.