Most Germans Stand With Israel’s Enemies

Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system intercepts rockets launched from Gaza City on May 13 over the southern city of Sderot.

Most Germans Stand With Israel’s Enemies

On May 14, less than 24 hours after the start of a ceasefire, Palestinian extremists fired a rocket into southern Israel. Germany watches this ongoing conflict with mixed feelings.

During a May 12 meeting in the German parliament, members reiterated their commitment to Israel’s security. A May 14 nationwide YouGov poll showed that 43 percent of Germans believe that their country “has a special responsibility to the Jewish people to this day.” Yet according to that same poll, most Germans see Israel as the aggressor in the conflict with Palestinian Arabs. Only 13 percent feel that Israel’s policy toward the Palestinians is just—54 percent see it as unjust.

Internationally, the sentiment toward the Jews in the Middle East is similar. In 2022, the United Nations General Assembly passed more resolutions that were critical of Israel than those passed against all other nations combined. This was the year Russia invaded Ukraine—with the support of various other countries. It was also the year Iran brutally put down protesters, supplied drones to Russia, and continued to pursue nuclear weapons. China was more thoroughly exposed for brutally suppressing a Muslim minority in its country, while threatening to invade Taiwan. Additionally, North Korea fired a record number of missiles.

Yet the world’s focus is on Israel.

While anti-Semitism has changed over the years, it is nonetheless comparable to its historic forms. Jews have often been the scapegoat of various crises. Most famously, of course, was the time leading up to World War ii. “Death to Jews!” was not just a slogan; it was a reality that led to the deaths of millions of Jews. Just this past month, this slogan was chanted again on German streets—not by the German security officers but tolerated by them. On April 8, a Palestinian protest called for the “Death to Jews!” and “Death to Israel.”

These slogans combined with the surrounding events should ring in the ears of students of Bible prophecy. Psalm 83 not only reveals a plan to wipe out “the name of Israel” but also the nations involved in it—Germany, Turkey and various Arab nations. The biblical identity of all these nations can be proved. (Read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s booklet The King of the South for more information.)

Another prophecy in Jeremiah 8 parallels the hatred for the state of Israel and its capital, specifically. This prophecy reveals that archeological excavations will lead to the discovery of the tombs of the biblical kings. This, of course, along with other excavations will go against everything critics of Israel believe. It not only shows that the Jews and the other lost 10 tribes inherited this land thousands of years ago—it also reveals that God gave them that land. Consequently the Bible reveals that the tombs of the kings will be destroyed in an effort to blot out that history.

As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in “Satan Attacks David’s Throne,” the nation at the heart of the effort to destroy this history will once again be Germany.

It is utterly impossible to understand Adolf Hitler’s hatred for the Jews in World War ii, and it is equally impossible to understand the hatred that is prophesied to rise once more, unless you understand God’s plan for mankind. There is a wonderful conclusion to all these prophesied events—for all those willing to accept the truth contained in the Bible. Sadly it will take a lot of suffering before mankind is willing to accept that they have been deceived (Revelation 12:9) and led to believe lies from the father of lies—the devil (John 8:44).

You need to understand what is truly at the heart of this present-day conflict—and the only way to understand it is through the pages of the Bible. To start your study of these marvelous prophecies, request your free copy of Jerusalem in Prophecy.