Russia Signs Deal to Deploy Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

Russian and Belarussian defense ministers signed a deal at a meeting in Minsk on May 25, allowing Moscow to deploy its tactical nuclear weapons on Belarus territory, while control of the weapons remains in Russia.

Tactical nuclear weapons are intended to destroy enemy troops and weapons on the battlefield. They have a shorter range and a much lower yield than nuclear warheads fitted to long-range strategic missiles that are capable of obliterating cities.

When the weapons would be deployed wasn’t announced, but Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko told reporters that “the movement of the nuclear weapons has begun.” Russian President Vladimir Putin said the construction of storage for the weapons would be completed by July 1.

Russia vs. the West: Putin announced the plans earlier this year in a move to threaten the West that has continued supporting Ukraine. The United States believes Russia has about 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons, and it has denounced the deployment of these weapons in Belarus. Russia, however, has only grown more aggressive toward the U.S. and its allies, threatening them with nuclear war.

Deployment of nonstrategic nuclear weapons is an effective response to the aggressive policy of countries unfriendly to us.
—Viktor Khrenin, Belarussian defense minister

In the context of an extremely sharp escalation of threats on the western borders of Russia and Belarus, a decision was made to take countermeasures in the military-nuclear sphere.
—Sergei Shoigu, Russian defense minister

Nuclear war imminent: Tensions between global powers are rising. Jesus Christ warned in Matthew 24 that the violence would reach a level that could potentially wipe out all mankind. In his booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door,’ Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes:

How many Christian leaders do you hear even discuss Matthew 24? It is the most important prophetic message Christ gave when He was on this Earth!

No flesh would be saved alive (Matthew 24:22; Moffatt translation) if Christ didn’t intervene and stop nuclear World War iii!

To learn more about the prospect of nuclear war, why it won’t break out in Ukraine, and why it won’t destroy all mankind, order a free copy of Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door.’