China Helps Iran Quickly Supply Drones to Russia

Chinese drone parts have continued to flow into Iran in an effort to support Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported on June 12. When Western researchers examined an Iranian drone brought down over Ukraine in April, they made an important discovery: a Chinese-made component manufactured this year.

The drone contained a voltage converter that was made in China in mid-January. The finding demonstrates how quickly Iran is able to help Russia with its war in Ukraine; it needed only three months to make and supply Moscow with drones. It also shows that global sanctions by the U.S. and its allies meant to halt the flow of parts to Iran have had a limited effect.

Weapon shortages: Both Russia and Ukraine have struggled to provide their militaries with firepower needed to continue the long-lasting war. Russia turned to Iran last year to help meet its need for weapons. Last week, the White House said Iran had recently sent hundreds of drones to Russia on ships going across the Caspian Sea.

Asia stands with Putin: Despite sanctions from the United States and its allies, Russia has found continued support from China and other Asian nations. Bible prophecy indicates that Asia’s support for Putin will grow far stronger in the months and years ahead. In his article “Asia Still Stands With Putin,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote:

Ezekiel 38:2 foretold the Russian power we now see rising, led by a rō’š nāśî’ (or “prince of Russia”). This scripture also mentions “the land of Magog,” which includes modern China and other nations. This indicates that this Russian leader will rally other Asian peoples behind Moscow.

The prophecy Ezekiel recorded was for the end time. It specifies that Russia will be the leader of this massive Asian alliance. That is a key to understanding today’s geopolitics.

Learn more: Read “Asia Still Stands With Putin.”