Wuhan Lab Was Trying to Weaponize Coronaviruses, Investigators Reveal

A researcher works in a lab at a pharmaceutical in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei province Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021.
Feature China/Future Publishing via Getty Images

Wuhan Lab Was Trying to Weaponize Coronaviruses, Investigators Reveal

In the lead-up to the global covid-19 pandemic, Chinese scientists and military personnel were working with the world’s most dangerous coronaviruses to create a mutant virus that could be weaponized, according to a new report published by the Times on June 10.

The Times’ evidence comes from its investigation of “hundreds of documents, including previously confidential reports, internal memos, scientific papers and e-mail correspondence that has been obtained through sources or by freedom of information campaigners in the three years since the pandemic started,” as well as testimony from United States State Department investigators. The report paints the clearest picture yet of the origins of the covid pandemic and a broader effort to weaponize viruses.

The investigators found that in 2016, the Chinese discovered a new strain of coronavirus in bats in a mineshaft in Mojiang of the Yunnan province, which was apparently killing locals. The viruses found there are now recognized as the only members of the sars-CoV-2 family known to have been in existence before the global outbreak. sars-CoV-2 is the virus that causes the covid-19 disease.

Instead of warning the world, Chinese authorities brought the viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their work with it was made classified.

“The trail of papers starts to go dark,” a U.S. State Department investigator told the Times. “That’s exactly when the classified program kicked off.” He said he believes the Chinese government classified the discovery of the new coronavirus “due to military secrecy related to [the army’s] pursuit of dual-use capabilities in virological biological weapons and vaccines.”

The experiments were funded by the Chinese military. U.S. officials claim it was kept secret from American health authorities who had cooperation agreements with the Wuhan Institute. The investigation shows that the scientists began combining various viruses to make them even more virulent and deadly.

Prof. Richard Ebright, a prominent microbiologist from Rutgers University’s Waksman Institute of Microbiology, has consistently voiced his opposition to the high-risk research conducted in Wuhan. After scrutinizing the experiments, he described them as “by far the most reckless and dangerous research on coronaviruses—or indeed on any viruses—known to have been undertaken at any time in any location.”

A major part of this “dangerous research” came in 2018 when Wuhan Institute scientists started fusing the newly discovered viruses with other pathogens. The goal was to determine if any combination could potentially cause a pandemic in humans.

To test their combined viruses, scientists injected them into the noses of albino mice with human lung tissue. With one combination, they found that an astonishing 75 percent of the mice died within two weeks. This means the scientists had genetically engineered a virus three times more lethal than any of the separate natural pathogens.

The coronavirus that was injected into the mice was not sars-CoV-2. And the disease it caused was more deadly than any of the covid variants. But the fact that this incredibly dangerous research was happening with viruses in the Wuhan Institute means sars-cov-2 likely originated the same way. “They were working with the nine different covid variants,” one U.S. State Department investigator told the Times. “We are confident they were working on a closer unpublished variant—possibly collected in Mojiang,” which he said was a very close match to sars-CoV-2.

Another investigator told the Times that this line of research—and the secrecy surrounding it—is certainly what caused the covid-19 pandemic: “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation and cover-up of the covid-19 pandemic.”

It is truly disturbing to read about coronaviruses being fused and manipulated to become potential bioweapons. And there is reason to believe that such efforts will cause far more devastation in the years ahead.

In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ warned His disciples of a time when mankind would descend into a war so deadly and technologically advanced that it would be capable of exterminating all human life (verse 22).

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s book America Under Attack includes an appendix titled “Was the Coronavirus Crisis Engineered?” In this, he explains how manipulation of coronaviruses in the Wuhan lab could be weaponized in a way that contributes to that future era. Mr. Flurry points to a book authored by 18 Chinese scientists and health bureaucrats in 2015 titled The Unnatural Origins of SARS and New Species of Man-made Viruses as Genetic Weapons. Mr. Flurry writes:

[The book] notes that coronaviruses can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before.”

This book further revealed that Chinese scientists have been preparing for a world war fought not with atomic weapons but biological and genetic weapons.

The more light is shined onto the dark origins of covid-19, the more it is clear that Chinese scientists were purposely researching bioweapons of mass destruction. And, as Mr. Flurry explains, the Chinese were not alone but had the backing of one of America’s most powerful men. To learn more, read “Was the Coronavirus Crisis Engineered?