Russia Opens Lab to Study Xi Jinping Ideology

Russia has launched the first-ever program outside of China that is dedicated to studying the ideology and policy of Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping, Politico reported on June 22.

The Xi Jinping Thought Research Laboratory was established at the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The institute’s website says the program’s purpose is to research Xi’s ideas on economics, foreign and domestic policy, social policy, culture, art and ideology.

In 2025, the lab plans to publish a series of scientific studies to familiarize Russian leaders with Xi’s ideas and their significance for the development of Russia-China relations.

We are well aware that today Xi Jinping’s ideas determine China’s policy in many areas. We need to know and analyze Xi Jinping’s ideas very well, because China today is our main strategic partner, our main economic partner. Therefore, in order to build relationships most effectively, our government needs to have a good understanding of what the ideological basis for the development of today’s China is.
—Kirill Babaev, director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Prophesied partners: Russia and China will continue to build their relationship. Revelation 16:12 speaks of a multinational Asian alliance referred to as “the kings of the east.” The Trumpet has explained that these two Asian giants will be the primary power in this alliance.

Learn more: Read our Trends article “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China.”