Over 300,000 Illegal Aliens Set to Receive Driver’s Licenses

Thousands of illegal aliens are rushing to secure driver’s licenses after voters in Massachusetts approved a new law extending driving privileges to undocumented migrants.

Data from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles published by the Boston Herald on July 28 shows that about 100,000 aliens have scheduled appointments to get a learner’s permit since the law took effect at the start of the month. Massachusetts state officials believe over 300,000 illegal aliens may obtain driver’s licenses by the end of the year.

With the passage of this law, Massachusetts became the 17th state to offer driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

Security crisis: Open border advocates want driver’s licenses for illegal aliens because driving without a license is often the first criminal charge that can put an alien in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody for deportation. Ensuring that the 316,000 known illegal aliens in Massachusetts have driver’s licenses is a huge step towards ensuring these aliens are not deported. It is also a huge step toward ensuring even more illegal aliens feel comfortable moving to Massachusetts in the near future.

Fundamental transformation: Open border politics are fundamentally transforming America. As Pat Buchanan wrote in the midst of Barack Obama’s second term:

We no longer speak the same language, worship the same God, honor the same heroes, or share the same holidays. …

Our politics have become poisonous. Our political parties are at each other’s throats.

Christianity is in decline. Traditional churches are sundering over moral issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. Islam is surging.

Our society seems to be disintegrating.

In other words, America is no longer one nation made up of one melted-together people. It has become a balkanized nation of feuding ethnicities and cultures on the verge of race war (Isaiah 1:7; Revised Standard Version).

Learn more: Read “Joe Biden’s Border Catastrophe.”