Denmark and the Netherlands to Deliver F-16s to Ukraine

Denmark and the Netherlands have received a green light from the United States to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine as soon as pilot training is completed, officials in both countries confirmed on August 17. Ukraine requested the U.S.-made planes to help expel Russian troops from its territory.

“We welcome Washington’s decision to pave the way for sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine,” Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra said. “Now, we will further discuss the subject with our European partners.”

Denmark will also discuss more concrete plans to provide Ukraine with the jets. “The government has said several times that a donation is a natural next step after training. We are discussing it with close allies, and I expect we will soon be able to be more concrete about that,” Danish Defense Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen said on Friday.

A coalition of 11 countries will start training Ukrainian pilots to fly the F-16s later this month, the Danish Defense Ministry said. Denmark and the Netherlands are leading international efforts to train pilots and support staff, maintain aircrafts, and help Ukraine acquire the fighter jets.

Prophecy says: Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine is prompting European nations to cooperate militarily at unprecedented levels. Fear of Russia will be a major factor causing 10 leaders in Europe to unite, as prophesied in Daniel 2 and Revelation 17. In his article “Russia’s War on Ukraine Is Reshaping Europe,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote:

The reaction inside Europe to this Russian war is something you need to keep a close eye on: It is sculpting the future composition of the Holy Roman Empire! It is causing European leaders to take urgent action to tie this Holy Roman Empire together one last time—just as we have warned they would for many years.