Israeli Arabs Support Hamas’s Invasion

Hamas’ armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades hold a Palestinian flag as they destroy a tank of Israeli forces in Gaza City, Gaza on October 07.
Hani Alshaer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Israeli Arabs Support Hamas’s Invasion

A terrorist attempted a ramming attack with a tractor near Kiryat Abba in Israel’s West Bank on Monday morning. This was one of several attacks stirred by Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel.

Military commander Mohammad al-Deif prompted Israeli Arabs to take up arms and help defend al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem: “If you have a gun, get it out. This is the time to use it—get out with trucks, cars, axes. Today the best and most honorable history starts.”

Uprisings: Since the invasion, Israel Defense Forces (idf) have put down several skirmishes from Israeli Arab terrorists in the West Bank. Al Jazeera reports that the idf has killed at least 16 and wounded at least 80 (and counting) in the West Bank.

Some predicted a larger uprising in the area. It may still happen, but Israel’s tight grip on the region seems to be keeping such attacks at bay.

Jerusalem civilians are staying away from East Jerusalem (populated mostly by Palestinians) and even off the streets to decrease the risk of being hit by such attacks

Where it’s leading: The Bible has a lot to say about rising violence in Jerusalem in this modern era. Zechariah 14:2 says things will get so bad that half of Jerusalem will be taken. Israeli Arabs will eventually achieve a major victory: retaking East Jerusalem.

Looking at the ongoing violence in Jerusalem today—the absolute inability of the involved parties to solve things by peaceful means—we can easily see how one half of Jerusalem shall be taken captive in the very near future.
—Gerald Flurry, Trumpet editor in chief, Jerusalem in Prophecy

One development that could lead to this is the unconfirmed request from the Taliban for transport through Iran, Iraq and Jordan with intent to “conquer Jerusalem” (though it is unlikely Jordan would allow this). An attack from Hezbollah would also greatly intensify this war.

Whether the October 7 incursion is what ultimately leads to this event, Bible prophecy is sure and its fulfillment imminent.

Learn more: Read our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.