Russian Missile Attack Kills 59 Ukrainian Civilians

A Russian missile strike on the village of Hroza in northeastern Ukraine killed 59 people, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said on October 12. The devastating attack happened last week as local civilians and family gathered in a café to attend a wake for Andrii Kozyr, a fallen Ukrainian soldier. Among the dead are Andrii’s parents, his wife, daughter, son and daughter-in-law.

The attack was one of the war’s deadliest missile strikes, with a death toll not seen since Russia hit a railway station in Kramatorsk in early 2022.

Targeting civilians: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described the attack as “inhuman” and “deliberate.” He said it was proof of Russia’s “absolute evil” and that the Russian Army “couldn’t have been unaware of where they were striking.”

Several people in Hroza told the Washington Post that the attack wasn’t a coincidence. They suspect a traitor within the village informed the Russian military about the gathering and the Russian Army deliberately targeted the café.

Similar to Hamas’s attack on Israel, the victims of this strike were civilians rather than Ukrainian soldiers.

All the people are local residents, all the people are civilians. Not a single military object, not a single military vehicle. All the dead and wounded people are civilians.
—Sergey Bolvinov, chief investigator with Kharkiv’s regional police

No regard for human life: What kind of mind orchestrates such a devastating attack on civilians? Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has explained how the Prophet Daniel shows that military leaders in the end time have the minds of wild beasts, with no regard for human life. Fortunately, the violence and destruction these beastly leaders cause will eventually lead to Christ’s return.

Learn more: Read Mr. Flurry’s article “World Leaders Who No Longer Have a Human Mind.”