India Won’t Legalize Same-sex ‘Marriage’

India’s Supreme Court declined to legalize same-sex “marriage” on October 17. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration opposed petitions to the court on the issue, saying same-sex marriage is not “comparable with the Indian family unit concept of a husband, wife and children.”

A spokesman for Modi’s government said marriage is only between “a biological man and a biological woman,” adding that a change in law would only reflect “urban elitist views.”

India’s marriage laws currently prevent millions of homosexual couples from creating joint insurance polices, adopting children, and following certain inheritance proceedings.

Asia’s stance: The United States and most of the West have embraced the legalization of same-sex marriage. Most of Asia hasn’t followed that trend, with only Taiwan and Nepal accepting it.

President Vladimir Putin formally banned same-sex marriage in Russia in 2021. China is also against its legalization, despite pressure from activists.

Shame on America: The fact that these nations that do not have a heritage based on the Bible are more closely following biblical law and principles on this foundational issue than America and Britain underscores just how morally bankrupt the nations descended from ancient Israel have become.

Learn more: Read “The Other Asian Powerhouse: India.”