France Records Sharp Rise in Anti-Semitic Incidents

France’s Interior Ministry said this weekend that 719 anti-Semitic acts have been recorded in the country since the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7. This is much higher than the 436 anti-Semitic acts recorded in the entirety of 2022.

Recent acts of anti-Semitism in France include:

  • 20 Jewish schools in the Paris area were evacuated after a bomb threat.
  • The front door of the home of a Jewish couple in their 80s was set on fire.
  • Graffiti with the words “Killing Jews is a duty” was sprayed outside a stadium in Carcassone, France.
  • Individuals with knives were arrested at the entrance to a Jewish school or synagogue.

Fear of terrorism: Many French Jews have reportedly removed Mezuzah scrolls from their doorposts, stopped wearing yarmulke skull caps in public, and used different names when ordering taxis or food deliveries.

Authorities have placed the country on its highest terror alert and deployed thousands of additional soldiers at Jewish schools, synagogues and other locations.

People across the nation are realizing that since they allowed millions of Muslims into their borders, the nation has become a hotbed of hatred and radicalism.

The Trumpet said: Since Hamas invaded Israel, radical Muslims and their supporters around the world have been emboldened in their hatred for Israel and Jews. This is waking Europe up to the savagery of radical Islam.

Bible prophecy makes clear that a clash between Europe and radical Islam is imminent.

Learn more: Watch our video “After Gaza, Europe Fears a Terrorist Attack.”